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Chapter 169

At this moment, Bai Yuanyu was almost driven mad with frustration. Now, as Ling Chunann's immediate superior, being continuously ignored by him was one thing, but to be treated with such cold indifference was simply too much to bear!

Watching Ling Chunann casually pick up a phone call as if she didn't exist, Bai Yuanyu's face turned from pale to red, then from red to blue, and finally back to pale. As Ling Chunann hung up, her eyes reddened, and she said, "Lu Jia Yan, you've gone too far," before bursting into tears and storming out of the room.

"So she left just like that?" Ling Chunann, listening to the door close and the sound of her footsteps fading away, shook his head disinterestedly.

Lu Lingfeng, who had been indifferent towards Bai Yuanyu, suddenly cracked a smile, ruffled Ling Chunann's hair, and said, "Naughty."

"Manager Bai, are you okay?" Yang, the secretary, asked with concern as she saw Bai Yuanyu run out with tearful eyes.

Bai Yuanyu glanced at Yang but didn't reply, instead looking back three times as she walked towards the elevator. Along the way, she twisted her ankle in her high heels. By the time the elevator arrived, no one had followed her out. Reluctantly, she kicked her sore foot and entered the elevator.

After witnessing Bai Yuanyu's departure, Yang shrugged and returned to her work at the computer, busier than ever.

Realizing her current vulnerability, Bai Yuanyu refrained from discussing office matters further. Her main focus now was to stabilize her position in the company.

Since Ling Chunann had been handling the duties of the general manager for months due to the position being vacant, Bai Yuanyu's assumption into the role naturally meant she didn't want Ling Chunann meddling in her tasks, demanding the handover of all past and ongoing project documents.

This demand almost infuriated Yang, the secretary. These projects were hard-earned by Ling Chunann! The audacity of this woman to expect gains without effort was unthinkable.

Ling Chunann, however, was not upset but also did not immediately proceed with the handover. He continued his work as usual without any anomalies or communications with Bai Yuanyu.

However, Bai Yuanyu did make progress in her time at the company, eliminating her negative image and gaining many loyal supporters, primarily male colleagues protective of her. Meanwhile, the female colleagues sided with Ling Chunann, leading to a polarization within the department. Despite this, Bai Yuanyu's base was too weak, and her supporters, mostly from the lower ranks, dared not confront Ling Chunann directly.

Half a month later, with the shareholders' meeting approaching, Bai Yuanyu couldn't sit still any longer. She confirmed Lu Lingfeng was not present before taking the elevator to Ling Chunann's office floor.

Initially, Bai Yuanyu was quite fond of Lu Lingfeng, her nominal younger uncle. It was impossible not to have any feelings for him.

However, in the few interactions they had, she realized that Lu Lingfeng never paid attention to anyone besides Ling Chunann. When he looked at her, it was as if she was not a living being but an insignificant bug, ready to be crushed should she overstep.

This realization filled Bai Yuanyu with both fear and jealousy - fear of Lu Lingfeng and jealousy of Ling Chunann.

"Come in," Ling Chunann called out.

Regaining her composure and adjusting her expression, Bai Yuanyu pushed the door open and entered.

"Bai Yuanyu?" Ling Chunann said.

Feeling somewhat dazed that Ling Chunann recognized her immediately, Bai Yuanyu blurted out, "A-Yan."

"Hmm?" Ling Chunann closed the folder he was looking at and looked towards Bai Yuanyu, "Is there something you need?"

After a moment of silence, Bai Yuanyu said, "A-Yan, I'm sorry."

"It was my fault before. I shouldn't have treated you that way. Everything happened so suddenly, and I didn't react properly. But you misunderstood me. I really liked you then. But now, we're like siblings; it's impossible for us to be together."

As she spoke, Bai Yuanyu began to choke up, taking a while before she could continue, "A-Yan, I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"Host, don't believe her. She's playing the emotion card. She's not really crying," 098 commented. "This girl's acting is getting less serious, but it's good that you're the host here. If it were the original, he would have forgiven her by now."

"Where is she looking now?" Ling Chunann asked.

"She's jealously eyeing the pile of documents on your desk!" 098 quickly replied.


Ling Chunann remained silent. Bai Yuanyu, believing she knew Lu Jia Yan well, was not in a hurry for his response. She was convinced that by admitting her fault, he would forgive her. During Ling Chunann's silence, she began to get lost in her thoughts.

Growing impatient, Ling Chunann sighed, "I don't blame you."

"Really?" Bai Yuanyu's expression remained composed, but her voice was filled with disbelief.

"Really," Ling Chunann said with a bitter smile. "I'm just a bit... unable to accept it, you know? I was actually planning to propose to you."

Bai Yuanyu, looking into Ling Chunann's seemingly bright eyes and recalling the warmth they held during their relationship, momentarily showed a look of reluctance but quickly hardened her resolve.

Her voice was still soft and pleading, "Lately at the company, many people have been against me. A-Yan, I'm really scared I'll be driven out. My mom said if I don't make something of myself this time, she won't acknowledge me anymore. She said she doesn't want a daughter who can't achieve anything." As she spoke, Bai Yuanyu began to sob again. "You know, dad never really liked me. Even though he acknowledged me, he never really saw me. If I mess up my job again, in the future I..."

As she spoke, Bai Yuanyu broke down in tears again.

"Recently, Chenyue Corporation expressed interest in collaborating with us," Ling Chunann said. "If you're interested in taking on the project, you can get the details from Yang, the secretary."

Chenyue Corporation, although not as powerful as the Lu or Lin corporations, was definitely among the top five in the domestic investment industry. Its projects were highly sought after, even by the Lu corporation, which placed great importance on this collaboration.

Surprised by Ling Chunann's sudden concession, Bai Yuanyu was initially confused, then felt it was only natural. After some hesitation, she accepted, "That, A-Yan, I've also become familiar with the manager's duties now. Can we start the handover of your previous work?" she asked, quickly adding, "Of course, I'm not saying you did a bad job, but I..."

"I understand," Ling Chunann nodded. "You've been doing well lately. I was planning to hand over the work to you. But the Chenyue Corporation project is more urgent right now. Once you've secured that, I'll hand over the rest to you, so you won't be distracted."

Hearing this, Bai Yuanyu's face lit up with joy, "Okay, I'll definitely do my best, A-Yan. I won't let you down."

"Alright, I'm a bit tired and need to rest," Ling Chunann said, massaging his nose bridge. "For the materials, you can get them from Yang, the secretary. I've already discussed the basic cooperation terms with Chenyue, so you'll mainly need to negotiate the investment amount and manage the risk level. If there are no issues, you can proceed with signing."


098, accustomed to the host not following the script, was initially worried Ling Chunann had been deceived by Bai Yuanyu. However, hearing the mention of Chenyue Corporation from Ling Chunann, it realized his intention.

After Bai Yuanyu left, 098 asked, "Host, didn't you already rule out the Chenyue Corporation project?"

"Why would I?" Ling Chunann feigned surprise. "If I had ruled it out, I wouldn't have discussed so much with them or kept the cooperation materials."

Seeing his exaggerated reaction, 098 was even more convinced there was an issue with the project. Suddenly, it remembered, "In the original story, Chenyue Corporation declared bankruptcy six months later. Could it be because of this project?"

Ling Chunann remained silent with a smile.

This was a massive urban development project with an initial investment projection of thirty billion. According to Chenyue Corporation's plan, they intended to secure ten billion in funding from the Lu Corporation, promising Lu a thirty-five percent profit share. Bai Yuanyu, after reviewing the plan, believed it was entirely feasible and guaranteed profit, though the project might have a long timeline. However, for the potential profits, this timeframe was considered an investment maturation period.

However, Bai Yuanyu was not satisfied with the thirty-five percent figure.

"Host, the female lead has already negotiated the investment with Chenyue Corporation. She secured a fifty-three percent profit share with a hundred and fifty billion investment. However, Chenyue Corporation plans to sign the contract mid-next month."


"Recently, the female lead hired several private detectives to investigate the events surrounding Madame Lu's childbirth. They've started to uncover some leads. The shareholders' meeting is tomorrow. Are you preparing?"

"Preparing what

?" Ling Chunann asked.

"If the head of the Lu family finds out you're not his biological son, you'll be kicked out of the Lu family." 098 had always disliked the Lu family patriarch for his early gender biases and later unconditional support for his biological children, even though he transferred his shares to Ling Chunann, 098 believed it was because he didn't know Ling wasn't his biological son, not out of affection for Ling Chunann.

"I was never their biological son to begin with," Ling Chunann raised an eyebrow. "Besides, how long has it been since I last returned to the Lu family?"

"...You have a point." Being kicked out wouldn't make much of a difference; at worst, he'd be without a job. But it was clear Ling Chunann wasn't one to enjoy working. Given a chance to rest in this world, he should take full advantage of it.

Suddenly, 098 realized how wonderful it would be to be exposed as not a biological member of the Lu family!

At the end of the month, the Lu Corporation's shareholder meeting commenced. The shareholders, notified by the patriarch, arrived on time, eager to meet the young new CEO candidate.

Those who had met Ling Chunann were very pleased with him, especially his work capabilities. Even the most critical of the old generation found no faults, so when the patriarch announced Ling Chunann as the next shareholder, the audience erupted in applause.

However, at that moment, a dissenting voice rang out, "I disagree!"


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