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Chapter 168

"Host, you're not seriously considering taking over as CEO, are you?" 098 asked on the way back.

"Do you think that's possible?" Ling Chunann countered.

"Impossible," 098 immediately responded. "The host is too lazy to bother taking over a company for no reason. Managing it for a short while is one thing, but long term? Unthinkable."

Ling Chunann smiled but did not reply.

098 always felt that Ling Chunann's smile had a deeper meaning, as if someone was about to be unlucky.

The next day, unexpectedly, the workaholic head of the Lu family did not come to the office. After Ling Chunann finished his tasks, he said, "098, check what happened to the Lu family."

Eager for gossip, 098 quickly reported, "Host, after you and the elder left last night, Mrs. Lu went home. Then, she and Mr. Lu had a huge fight, even so severe that Mrs. Lu stormed off to her maternal home with their daughter. Mr. Lu is now trying to appease his wife."

In both the original story and reality, the Lu couple was known for their affection, having never quarreled in over twenty years of marriage. Even when it was revealed that Lu Jiayan was not their biological son but one Mrs. Lu had adopted, Mr. Lu's initial rage was quickly soothed by her tears. However, Mr. Lu's decision to hand over his shares to Ling Chunann this time drove Mrs. Lu back to her parental home, clearly indicating her reluctance for the adopted son to inherit the family wealth, especially now that she favored her biological daughter, Bai Yuanyuan, over Lu Jiayan.

Mr. Lu, believing in his son's capabilities, made the early decision for him to take over. This scene did not occur in the original story, largely because Lu Jiayan became disheartened after going blind and learning his girlfriend was his sister.

"Host, Mrs. Lu insists that Mr. Lu take back the shares he gave you, but won't specify why. Mr. Lu naturally disagrees, and they're at a standoff," 098 continued, "They're discussing in Mrs. Lu's parental home's garden, with the heroine eavesdropping behind a rockery."

Hearing this, Ling Chunann nodded, "098, leak some information to the heroine that I might not be the Lu family's son."

"Understood, host." 098 suddenly became excited, anticipating more intrigue.

In the end, Mr. and Mrs. Lu's negotiation broke down, and Mrs. Lu, along with Bai Yuanyuan, stayed with the Zhang family instead of returning to the Lu household.

"Mom, dad has left," Bai Yuanyuan approached Mrs. Lu to comfort her, patting her shoulder and embracing her. "Isn't it good that dad is giving the shares to my brother? He's bound to inherit the family business eventually, don't be upset."

"You..." Mrs. Lu hesitated, then shook her head, "Alright, I'm fine. We'll return in a few days. I still hold 25% of the shares; I'll transfer 15% to you now, and the rest when you get married."

"Ah?" Bai Yuanyuan was momentarily stunned, then a flash of ecstasy crossed her eyes, which she quickly suppressed, shaking her head vehemently, "How could I? When I just returned home, didn't dad say that the family business would be my brother's inheritance?"

"Don't worry about that. You're my darling daughter, and I naturally want to give you the best," Mrs. Lu stroked Bai Yuanyuan's head. "Besides, who said a family business must be inherited by a son? A daughter can do just as well. But you have to promise me one thing."

"Tell me," Bai Yuanyuan obediently nodded.

"You must have learned a lot at Lin's. Once you get the shares, you'll have the right to work at the company. Then, I'll have your father arrange a position for you. You must do your best this time."

"But I..."

"No buts," Mrs. Lu cut her off. "Be good."

After returning to her room, Bai Yuanyuan couldn't contain her excitement and jumped around. Calming down, she turned on her computer and saw a message as soon as she logged into her messaging app.

"Boss, I've sent the information you asked me to investigate to your email. Please check it, and the remaining payment should be transferred to the same account as last time. Oh, and after I sent you the email, I received a new tip. Its authenticity needs verification, but I think it's fifty-fifty. Consider it a bonus from me."

"Rumor has it that after Mrs. Lu gave birth, a large tumor, about the size of a baby, was removed from the operating room."

What's so strange about that? Bai Yuanyuan closed the chat window and opened her email. Halfway through, something suddenly struck her, freezing her scrolling hand. A baby? A tumor?

On Monday of the following week, the HR department of the Lu Corporation was bustling with activity, as was the marketing department.

"I heard we're getting a new high-ranking official today."

"I've heard about it too, but who could it be? A relative of a major shareholder?"

"Parachuting in from above, it might just be a major shareholder."

"Is that person going to report to HR?"

"Come on, as if a shareholder would report to our small department. We can't accommodate such a big Buddha."

Suddenly, a soft voice came from the doorway, "Hello, I'm looking for Manager Xie."

Bai Yuanyuan, dressed in a professional white outfit, with her curves highlighted and her slender, fair legs drawing attention, had a light makeup and a gentle smile on her face, devoid of any frailty, embodying a corporate beauty.

Seeing this unfamiliar face, the HR department's atmosphere froze, and after exchanging looks, a middle-aged woman in a blue professional outfit spoke up, "You're out of luck, Manager Xie just stepped out. Do you need anything?"

"I'm here to report for work, but since he's not here, I'll come back later." Bai Yuanyuan smiled at everyone before turning to leave.

After Bai Yuanyuan left, the office buzzed again.

"Who's that girl? Does anyone know which department she's from?"

"No idea, but she's really pretty!"

Suddenly, a girl in the corner who hadn't joined the discussion spoke up, "I think... I might know her."

"Ah? Tell us more!" The gossip-hungry eyes of the crowd immediately focused on her.

"When I first joined the company for an internship, I helped Secretary Yang, who works for Vice President Lu, with some paperwork for the new assistant. I saw her a few times back then but almost didn't recognize her... Her aura has changed so much."

"I've seen that assistant too. She always looked like she was about to cry, but now that you mention it... she does seem familiar." Someone else chimed in.

"That's her. She even brought the president's wife to make a scene at the company once."

"Is she here to cause trouble for Vice President Lu again?"

"Hopefully not. Didn't she embarrass herself enough last time? Wait, did you guys catch that? She said she's here to report for work! The new leader can't be her, can it?"

The crowd exchanged incredulous looks, all seeing disbelief in each other's eyes.

Meanwhile, Bai Yuanyuan, who hadn't found HR Manager Xie, stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the 151st floor.

She patted the nonexistent dust off her bag, looking at her reflection in the elevator door with a confident smile.

Ling Chunann arrived a few minutes late to the office, and upon exiting the elevator, heard Secretary Yang's cold voice, "I'm sorry, Manager Bai, Vice President Lu's office is off-limits to outsiders."

"I'm the new manager of the project department. This should be my office," Bai Yuanyuan's voice came through.

"Host, the heroine wants to take over your office," 098 quickly clarified, "Today is her first day on the job."

"Got it."

Ling Chunann stopped Lu Linfeng from advancing, "I'll handle it."

Lu Linfeng, of course, would not oppose Ling Chunann's decision and stood beside him.

"Vice President Lu, you're finally here," Secretary Yang breathed a sigh of relief. "This Miss Bai is the new general manager of the project department," referring to Ling Chunann's current superior. Initially, Secretary Yang didn't take her seriously, but after confirming with Manager Xie, she became unsure and decided to firmly block the office entrance.

Ling Chunann nodded to Secretary Yang, "Go on with your work. Make us two cups of tea."

"Of course, Vice President Lu." Secretary Yang walked a few steps, then turned back worriedly, wanting to say something else. Seeing Lu Linfeng next to Ling Chunann, she reassured herself and cheerfully went to make tea.

Lu Linfeng opened the office door for Ling Chunann, who gestured for Bai Yuanyuan to enter with a nod.

A triumphant Bai Yuanyuan was about to follow when she suddenly felt a chill on her back, locking eyes with Lu Linfeng. She shivered uncontrollably, and by the time she recovered, the door had already closed.

Staring at the closed door, Bai Yuanyuan hesitated to touch the doorknob, then patted her slightly pale face, mustering courage before pushing the office door open again. However, her previous pride had vanished.

Ling Chunann, already seated, nodded to Bai Yuanyuan as she entered, "Take a seat. What brings you here today?"

"I am now..." Bai Yuanyuan began to state her request but was caught off guard by Lu Linfeng's gaze again, stumbling over her words.

"What is it?" Ling Chunann leaned back, casually asking.

Despite Ling Chunann's relaxed demeanor, Bai Yuanyuan felt an inexplicable pressure. She reminded herself that things were different now; she was no longer the vulnerable assistant and had no reason to fear Ling Chunann.

With this thought, Bai Yuanyuan's expression regained composure, "Vice President Lu, I am now assuming the position of general manager of the project team, and..."

"Knock knock knock."

The rhythmic knocking interrupted Bai Yuanyuan.

Ling Chunann turned towards the door, calling, "Come in."

"Vice President Lu, Mr. Lu, your tea," Secretary Yang entered with two cups of tea.

"Put them down," Ling Chunann instructed.

Secretary Yang, without a glance at Bai Yuanyuan, placed the tea cups in front of them, bowed slightly, and left the office.

Ling Chunann refocused on Bai Yuanyuan, apologetically stating, "Sorry, I forgot you were also here, or I would have asked Secretary Yang to make three cups of tea. What were you saying?"

Bai Yuanyuan, now visibly upset, spoke with a hint of menace, "I was saying, I am now..."

At that moment, Ling Chunann's phone rang. He raised a hand apologetically, "Excuse me, I need to take this call."


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