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Chapter 166

Ling Chunann, of course, did not heed 098's warning, and walked forward steadily, his movements belying the fact that he was blind... if he wasn't walking straight towards a wall. Just a step away from the wall, suddenly a hand reached from behind him, grabbing his arm, and a deep male voice said, "Be careful, there's a wall ahead."

Ling Chunann reached out, felt around, then turned and smiled at the man, "Thank you, I was a bit distracted just now."

Observing the host being heroically saved, 098 remained silent, admiring the host's performance.

"How come you're out alone with your sight inconvenience?" Lin Jinghai asked.

"I know my way around. I was just thinking about something while walking and didn't notice the wall in front of me, it's okay. By the way, how did you know I couldn't see?" Ling Chunann asked, puzzled.

"You might not remember, but we met briefly in this restaurant a few months ago," Lin Jinghai said. "Hello, I'm Lin Jinghai."

"President Lin, I've heard much about you," Ling Chunann nodded, "I'm Lu Jiayan."

"Ha, I thought you wouldn't recognize me," Lin Jinghai seemed pleased that Ling Chunann recognized him, "Manager Lu, I've heard a lot about you from the elders these past months."

"I've just started working and have much to learn. Please don't tease me," Ling Chunann said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Ha, Manager Lu is too modest. Recently, our company has some projects we'd like to collaborate on with your company. Also, since it's not a work setting, it's not quite appropriate to address each other by our titles. Just call me by my name."


Seeing Ling Chunann nod, Lin Jinghai smiled, "Are you here to meet a friend today? Let me take you back."

"No need, thank you. You must have friends waiting too; don't keep her waiting. I'm in private room A1, just around the corner," Ling Chunann responded.

"I'm right next door, let's go together."

Observing the unusually enthusiastic male lead, 098 felt something was off. Wasn't the male lead supposed to be an aloof CEO? His warmth towards the female lead was limited to more conversations, but he had never been this attentive to Ling Chunann.

Moreover, he was smiling at Ling Chunann the whole time, even when Ling Chunann couldn't see it, making his attitude puzzling.

Could it be that he has a hidden affection for the host? Maybe he was the one who sent the flowers.

The moment this thought occurred, 098 immediately dismissed this terrifying speculation. Impossible. The male lead in the original text was strictly straight, only showing affection towards the soft and vulnerable type like the female lead. How could he possibly like the host?

By this time, Lan Zhengxing had arrived, sitting across Tan Zilang, both exchanging wary glances, creating a rather odd atmosphere.

Lin Jinghai opened the door, led Ling Chunann inside, and softly reminded, "Watch the door frame."

Seeing the newcomers, Tan Zilang immediately stood up, "Lin Dashao, what brings you here?" While saying this, he took Ling Chunann's other arm, looking at Lin Jinghai with extra caution, "Ayan, come, sit here."

"Tan Shao? What a coincidence meeting you here again," Lin Jinghai nodded, "I didn't get to greet you properly last time, my apologies. Let me treat you all today as an apology."

"I can afford my meals, no need for Lin Dashao to trouble himself," Tan Zilang declined outright.

"Alright, I'll treat you next time," Lin Jinghai wasn't offended, then said to Ling Chunann, "Ayan, I'll be going then. See you later."

"Okay," Ling Chunann replied.

"Why so friendly? And when did I agree to let him treat next time? I don't care for a meal!" Tan Zilang was furious, watching Lin Jinghai leave. He wanted to follow but turned back at the door, persuading Ling Chunann earnestly, "Ayan, you should avoid him in the future. He's a bad person."

"Hm? How so?" Ling Chunann was confused.

"Don't be fooled by his righteous facade. His private life back in school was a mess..."

"Since when did you talk so much?" Lan Zhengxing interrupted, "Ayan, don't listen to him. Those are just rumors spread by people at school, not to be taken seriously."

Even 098, usually naive, realized that these two were deliberately bad-mouthing the male lead to Ling Chunann. Although they didn't mention any specifics, it was enough to tarnish the male lead's image. However, the original text didn't mention anything about

 the male lead's life abroad, only briefly mentioning that he was a returnee with a Ph.D., "Host, I'll look up what the male lead was up to during his studies abroad."

"Okay," Ling Chunann replied.

As the dishes were served, Tan Zilang moved closer to Ling Chunann, handing him a knife and fork, then eagerly watched, "I asked the kitchen to cut the steak for you, so you can eat it directly."

After tasting a piece, Ling Chunann chewed and swallowed, "It's delicious, thank you."

"Why be so formal?" Tan Zilang's face flushed upon encountering Ling Chunann's smile.

"By the way, Ayan, I've looked into it, and there might actually be a way to heal your eyes," Lan Zhengxing mentioned.

"Hm? What way?" Ling Chunann asked.

"By finding a compatible donor and transplanting new eyeballs," Lan Zhengxing answered.

"But it's been so long since my last surgery, and my wounds have healed. As far as I know, there isn't such technology available yet," Ling Chunann responded skeptically.

"The technology isn't mature yet, but it's not impossible," Tan Zilang interjected, "Why don't you give it a try? Dr. Lan's skills are world-class."

After a moment of silence, Ling Chunann shook his head, smiling slightly, "Forget it, I don't want to go through all that trouble. Being blind hasn't really affected me much. I know you mean well, but let's just say I'm ungrateful." Standing up, he continued, "I'm full and not feeling well, so I'll take my leave now. Sorry to dampen your spirits today."

As he opened the door, Lu Yuan was just arriving, "Young master."

"Yes, let's go back."

Tan Zilang immediately rushed out, only to be pulled back by Lan Zhengxing, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to get Ayan's eyes back!" Tan Zilang declared, "Don't interfere with this. I can't stand it any longer. That woman went too far. Ayan loved her so much, and she just went after another man as soon as she got better, even dating him!"

"I'm not trying to stop you, but we need to think this through. Ayan hasn't agreed yet," Lan Zhengxing said.

Tan Zilang pondered for a moment, then patted Lan Zhengxing on the shoulder, "Good brother."

098 was now thoroughly impressed with Ling Chunann. Previously, 098 thought an hour was too short, but Ling Chunann's timing was impeccable, not a minute more or less, "Host, how did you manage that?"

"Perhaps it's fate," Ling Chunann replied.

098 didn't believe it, "But really, the food outside isn't very good."

"..." Alright, 098 believed him. The host probably left using dislike for the food as an excuse. However, the two inside must have thought Ling Chunann left hurriedly because he still had feelings for the female lead, recalling painful memories.

Meanwhile, Lin Jinghai returned to his private room and kept glancing towards the door. Bai Yuanyu, who had been showing impatience, immediately changed her expression to a shy smile upon his return, "President, you're back."

"Yes," Lin Jinghai didn't look at her, glanced at the fully served table, and didn't sit down, "I came here today to tell you that due to your performance in the past few months not meeting the standards, the HR department and your colleagues unanimously agreed you can't fulfill the basic duties of an assistant, so you don't have to come to work starting tomorrow."


"The reason I'm telling you in person is out of respect for your mother's insistence," Lin Jinghai continued.

Bai Yuanyu was shocked, then tears started flowing, creating a pitiful image with her beautiful face, "Jinghai, you must be joking? Where did I go wrong? Tell me, and I'll change. Please don't scare me like this?"

"I never lie. And, Miss Bai, I must remind you, please don't go around claiming we're engaged. It doesn't affect me much, but it's damaging to your reputation as a woman, and such public pressure doesn't work on me. So, I've said what I needed to, I have other matters to attend to, excuse me."

As Lin Jinghai disappeared from view, Bai Yuanyu wiped her tears, her expression turning from vulnerable to one filled with hatred. It was all Lu Jiayan's fault!

If it weren't for his sudden appearance ruining her image last time, she would have already been with Lin Jinghai!

"Host, I've found the information about the male lead's study abroad. Would you like me to read it to you?" 098 efficiently gathered the information before

 they even got home.

Ling Chunann: "Go ahead."

"The male lead went abroad at fifteen and attended…"

"Get to the point."

"Alright, the mention by the two male characters about the male lead's disordered private life was actually a rumor. However, the male lead did have a romantic relationship with a man…"

098 paused for a moment before continuing, "And he was blind. Unfortunately, he passed away a year before the male lead returned to the country."

Ling Chunann nodded, "Understood."

"I also found out that the owner of the flower shop sending you flowers was a classmate of the male lead abroad, though they barely interacted," 098 added, "Most importantly, the male lead's former boyfriend's favorite flower was also a violet."

So, it was very likely that the male lead was the one sending the flowers, not because he found out Ling Chunann liked violets, but because he was using him as a substitute for his former boyfriend.

Thinking this way, 098 suddenly found the previously agreeable male lead's demeanor grotesque. If he was still holding on to feelings, then his relationship with the female lead in the original text... Realizing the female lead resembled the former boyfriend, 098 concluded, "Host, the male lead must see you as a substitute for his former boyfriend, that's why he sent you flowers. The female lead losing favor is actually because you resemble his former boyfriend more! What a scumbag!"

"You saying that makes me unhappy," Ling Chunann countered, "You should say that I'm simply more charming than the female lead."



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