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Chapter 160

"Host, you're amazing!" 098 praised without a hint of embarrassment from being proven wrong.

Ling Chunann ignored 098 and spoke to Lu Yuan in the front seat, "Take me back to the Lu residence."

"Yes, Young Master."

Even after they had left, Bai Yuanyuan remained seated, dazed, wondering how things had turned out this way. Previously, all these men seemed quite fond of her. Moreover, why did Ling Chunann suddenly appear here? Wasn't he missing for several months? How could such a coincidence happen?

Distraught, Bai Yuanyuan returned to the old Lu family mansion, only to be greeted by the beaming old butler. She found his joy curious, "Grandpa Lu, what's the good news? You seem so happy."

"It's Miss." The butler's smile faded slightly but he still answered her, "The young master has returned and is currently speaking with the lord and lady in the living room."

Hurrying to the living room, Bai Yuanyuan was stunned to see Ling Chunann chatting happily with her parents. Hadn't the butler just mentioned the young master had returned? Wasn't her brother supposed to be the young master? Why was it him? Then, she remembered Ling Chunann's name was Lu Jiayan, and the one who was driven out was named Lu Jiayu, which made her sense something was amiss.

"Yuanyuan's back," Mrs. Lu noticed Bai Yuanyuan first and warmly beckoned, "Come here, let me introduce you."

Approaching with a forced smile, Bai Yuanyuan greeted, "Dad, Mom."

"As I told you before, this is your twin brother, his name is Lu Jiayan," Mrs. Lu said, holding Bai Yuanyuan's hand, "Ah, I forgot, you two knew each other already. You were friends before, right?"

"Let the children handle their affairs," Mr. Lu interjected with a frown, "Jiayan has just come back. Didn't you say you'd cook yourself?"

"Ah, right, right," Mrs. Lu laughed, "Look at my memory. You all chat; I'll go cook. Jiayan, you must stay for dinner today."

"Okay," Ling Chunann agreed.

As soon as Mrs. Lu left, Mr. Lu's phone rang. He checked it and stood up, "You two talk, I have to return to the company."

The living room fell into an awkward silence with just the two of them left.

"You knew all along?" Bai Yuanyuan broke the silence first.

Ling Chunann was puzzled, "What?"

Seeing Ling Chunann's innocent face, Bai Yuanyuan's frustration grew, "You knew about my relationship with you all along! What was the meaning of what you said at the restaurant? We're siblings, yet you claimed we were boyfriend and girlfriend. What are you plotting?"

"Plotting?" Ling Chunann laughed, "What could I possibly be plotting against you?"

"You deliberately ruined my blind date!" Bai Yuanyuan grew furious, remembering Lin Jinghai's indifferent departure, "You weren't this malicious before. Couldn't you have discussed this privately? Have you become twisted because you're blind?"

"Don't think just because you're of Lu family blood you can act so recklessly. Even if I tell you that the young master is blind, he is still the heir to the Lu family. You'll be an outsider once you marry out."

Before Ling Chunann could respond, a cold voice intervened. It was the old butler, who had always adored Lu Jiayan, returning just in time to overhear Bai Yuanyuan's disparaging comments.

"Grandpa Lu," Bai Yuanyuan went pale, not expecting such harsh words from the usually kind old man.

"Moreover, you haven't changed your surname to Lu yet, which means you're not yet a member of the Lu family," the butler glanced at Bai Yuanyuan, "If you're unhappy, feel free to complain to the lord and lady, and see whether they believe me or you."

"Grandpa Butler, it's okay, don't get angry with her; it's bad for your health," Ling Chunann patted the old man's back affectionately, "I'd like to take a walk in the garden. Would you take me there?"

"Of course, Young Master, please follow me." The butler's demeanor brightened significantly at Ling Chunann's request, showing no trace of the coldness he had toward Bai Yuanyuan.

Watching the master and servant leave closely, Bai Yuanyuan's expression of grievance twisted. Clenching her fists tightly, she took a deep breath and headed toward the kitchen.

"Host, the female lead went to the kitchen to find Mrs. Lu," 098 reported, "But strangely, she didn't complain."

"She's quite smart," Ling Chunann commented.

Without solid evidence, rashly complaining to Mrs. Lu, especially about a butler who has served the Lu family for decades and holds considerable respect, would be an unwise move for Bai Yuanyuan, a newcomer. On the other hand, if she bides her time and finds their weaknesses, speaking out later could yield much greater benefits. This indicates the female lead's cunning is not to be underestimated.

However, Ling Chunann wasn't worried about being bitten back by her but was somewhat concerned for the old butler, "Grandpa Butler, what if my parents believe her and make things difficult for you?"

"Ha, don't worry, Young Master. I'm old anyway, and it might be a good opportunity to spend time with my children and grandchildren who are looking forward to my visit," the butler chuckled heartily, "How have you been lately, Young Master? Anything unhappy?"

"Rest assured, I'm doing fine," Ling Chunann reassured.

"My son met a very good ophthalmologist abroad. I inquired about him recently, and the doctor might visit C country in about two months. You should have him check your eyes then."

"Thank you, Grandpa Butler," Ling Chunann gratefully accepted.

"Host, the ophthalmologist the butler mentioned is the second male lead," 098 timely informed Ling Chunann.

"Okay," Ling Chunann nodded.

When Ling Chunann returned to the living room, Mrs. Lu was personally serving the dishes and greeted him with a smile, "Jiayan, where have you been? Come and eat."

"Mom, I want fish," Bai Yuanyuan cooed, sitting next to Mrs. Lu.

"Of course, of course." Mrs. Lu stood up and moved the fish, which was originally placed near Ling Chunann, in front of Bai Yuanyuan, chuckling, "You little glutton."

Bai Yuanyuan pouted, "That's because mom's cooking is delicious."

While Mrs. Lu's cooking wasn't terrible, it certainly couldn't compare to professional chefs, let alone the man who had spoiled Ling Chunann with his culinary skills.

From the moment they sat down, the mother and daughter didn't pay much attention to Ling Chunann. Well, Bai Yuanyuan did keep an eye on him, sneakily throwing triumphant glances his way whenever she or Mrs. Lu served each other, despite knowing he couldn't see.

Mrs. Lu, however, never considered how Ling Chunann would manage to serve himself and repeatedly moved dishes away from him, oblivious to the fact that he hadn't touched his chopsticks at all. Her affectionate gaze remained fixed on her biological daughter.

"Host, this is too much!" 098 was indignant, "Do you need me to call Lu Yuan to pick you up earlier?"

"No need," Ling Chunann declined 098's offer, "The real business hasn't been dealt with yet."

"But..." 098 was about to protest, seeing how unfair this was for the host, but noticing Ling Chunann's eagerness, it held back its words.

At 2 p.m., Mr. Lu returned and said to Ling Chunann, "Jiayan, come with me to the study."

"Father, did you need something?" Ling Chunann stood before Mr. Lu.

After a deep look at Ling Chunann, Mr. Lu directed, "There's a chair three steps in front of you, sit down so we can talk."


Once Ling Chunann was seated, Mr. Lu continued, "The business plan you gave me three months ago has been implemented, and I'm very satisfied with the results."

"Although you can't see now, you're still the sole heir of the Lu family. Seeing you in good spirits reassures me."

"Also, I want you to start working at the company next month. Initially, I planned for you to start from the bottom, but under the circumstances, I've reserved a vice president position for you."

"Don't disappoint me."

Mr. Lu didn't give Ling Chunann any chance to refuse throughout the conversation.

This development was not mentioned in the original story. After all, in the original, upon learning Bai Yuanyuan was his sister and facing her indifference coupled with his blindness, Ling Chunann broke down. How could Mr. Lu entrust him with such responsibility?

"Energy points +10000."

098 finally understood Ling Chunann's intention for returning, then informed, "Host, the female lead was eavesdropping outside the door earlier."

"No matter, better she heard. Saves me the trouble of informing her indirectly."

After finalizing work with Mr. Lu, Ling Chunann had just left the study when he heard a familiar voice, "Baby, I've come to pick you up."

Willingly letting the man take his hand, Ling Chunann smiled, "I thought you said you'd be back in the evening?"

"I finished early and came to find you when I discovered you weren't home. Did you have fun today?"

"Fun," Ling Chunann nodded.

After guiding Ling Chunann to sit on the sofa downstairs, the man said, "Baby, sit here for a few minutes, I need to speak with Mr. Lu."


"Host, the female lead's eyes lit up when she saw Lu Linfeng," 098 was wary, wondering if the female lead intended to compete for Ling Chunann's man.

"Let her look if she wants to. After all, he's mine," Ling Chunann was unperturbed.


Bai Yuanyuan sneaked to find Mrs. Lu, who was getting ready to go out for a spa session, "Mom, we had a visitor earlier, the butler called him Third Master. Do you know who he is? I've never seen him before."

"Who? Third Master?" Mrs. Lu's hand trembled, drawing a long line with her eyebrow pencil across her face, "Where is he?"

"He just went to dad's study," Bai Yuanyuan was startled by her reaction, "What's wrong?"

"He's your uncle. But remember, stay away from him in the future," Mrs. Lu's expression was serious.

"Why?" Bai Yuanyuan inquired.

"Don't ask too many questions, Yuanyuan. Be good and listen to your mom," Mrs. Lu advised.

"Okay," Bai Yuanyuan nodded, leaving Mrs. Lu's room to glance towards the second floor study from the living room.


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