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Chapter 150

Knicks was momentarily stunned, seemingly unable to grasp the meaning of Ling Chunann's words. "Run away from a wedding? What happened?"

Ling Chunann shook his head, choosing not to elaborate. "Senior Knicks, don't worry about it. I'll handle it myself," he said, standing up. "You rest a bit more. I'm going to check if the insectoids have retreated."

Watching Ling Chunann's hurried departure, Knicks frowned, sensing he was hiding something.

Under imperial law, forcing an alpha into marriage was impossible. Even if an alpha forcibly marked an omega, at most, they would face legal penalties, not win the omega's favor.

More importantly, Ling Chunann was only in his early twenties and hadn't graduated from the academy yet. Which omega family was so... prescient? With Ling Chunann's potential, his future was bound to be limitless. Moreover, he was a well-known genius in the academy, adored by countless, even favored by the current prince. Who could have pressured him into fleeing a wedding?

Wait a minute.

Thinking of the prince, Knicks suddenly remembered the mecha Ling Chunann had used and was startled, daring not to think further.

Ling Chunann, being an alpha, couldn't possibly marry another alpha.

Yet, the more he thought about it, the harder it was for Knicks to restrain himself. Remembering Ling Chunann's gentle face illuminated by the firelight, he suddenly felt that if it were him, it might not be impossible.

"Secondary male character's affection +10%, current affection at 100%."

"Counterattack value +5%, current counterattack value at 60%. Please continue your efforts, host."

098 was surprised that the most difficult secondary male character's affection reached full first, checking the affection value several times to find it firmly at full. Excited, it exclaimed, "Host, you're amazing!"

"An unexpected pleasure," Ling Chunann commented. He had planned to reach 95% today, but Knicks' imagination saved him a lot of trouble.

With the nest destroyed and the insectoids in disarray, many had retreated, leaving only aimless wanderers. Ling Chunann was about to turn and deal with another insectoid when his movements suddenly halted, his expression going blank.

098, about to warn its host, fell silent upon seeing something in the direction of the cave.

Just then, Knicks emerged from the cave, spotting the insectoid attacking Ling Chunann from behind. His heart tightened, and he instinctively rushed forward, swatting the insectoid away with one hand and pulling Ling Chunann into his arms with the other, both tumbling to the ground.

Ling Chunann, lying atop Knicks, heard him grunt. "Are you okay?" Ling Chunann stood first, offering his hand to Knicks.

"No, I'm fine," Knicks replied, taking Ling Chunann's hand to stand, then shaking his head. "Are you okay?"

"What could possibly happen to me?" Ling Chunann asked.

Seeing Ling Chunann appeared fine, Knicks relaxed slightly. "Good, then. Ahem, the insectoids have retreated for some reason. Let's head back to camp."

098 commented to its host, "His ears are red."

"He has a crush on me," Ling Chunann replied.

Looking at the 100% affection, 098 thought, "You could ask him to die for you now, and he'd do it."

Before reaching the camp, they encountered an approaching army. The sight of thousands of soldiers, all weary but imposing, was indeed striking. Upon seeing Knicks, they crowded around the pair.


"It's good to see you're okay, Major!"

Someone noticed Ling Chunann beside him. "Major, who is this?"

Then, a beta soldier recognized Ling Chunann, his expression a mix of shock and joy. "Yu, Yu Yichen, what are you doing here?"

"Lieutenant Wright, what a coincidence," Ling Chunann recognized the beta. He and Knicks were from the same class, and in school, he often ran into Ling Chunann when Nor was absent, always finding topics to chat about. The two were quite familiar with each other.

Although many here had never met Ling Chunann, his name was well-known to them. After all, he was the only student after Nor to enter the Imperial Academy with double SSS grades. The name Yu Yichen reverberated across the stars, and Lieutenant Wright's mention sparked a frenzy among the crowd, with looks of admiration, envy, skepticism, and curiosity directed at Ling Chunann.

However, what caught Ling Chunann's attention was an ordinary-looking alpha with a distinctly familiar hooked nose, though the original text had no description of him. "098, who is he?"

"A non-plot character, require some time to search," 098 replied. A few seconds later, "Host, according to the records, this person is named Abel Austin, an orphan, 140 years old. He lived on the Imperial Star until four years ago before somehow ending up in the 158-star system to join the military. He is now a lieutenant, with no other anomalies found."

Ling Chunann glanced at the man with the hooked nose again before looking away.

"Host, he's looking at you again, with a strange expression," 098 noted. "I feel a dangerous aura about him; be careful."


"Sir, shouldn't you be studying in school? What brings you to a border star system?" Suddenly, a clear questioning voice emerged from the crowd, obviously directed at Ling Chunann. "And since your arrival, the insectoids have retreated. Do we have reason to suspect you're involved with the insectoids?"

This statement immediately quieted the previously noisy crowd, creating a tense atmosphere as everyone awaited Ling Chunann's response.

Ling Chunann wasn't in a hurry. He turned to look in the direction of the voice. "Who asked that question?"

"Me." A tall alpha raised his hand. "Sir, I believe it's a reasonable suspicion."

"Yes," Ling Chunann nodded, his gaze briefly passing over the hooked-nose alpha without expression. "As for why I'm here, it's for personal reasons."

This only increased the crowd's skepticism.

"What reasons?"

"Ha, what kind of reason is that? He must be a spy for the insectoids."

"Right, who would come to a border planet for no reason?"


Watching his host nonchalantly observing the situation, 098 grew anxious. "Host, aren't you going to explain?"

"Somebody will explain for me. Also, get me more information on that Abel Austin."

"Yes, host."

As the discussions continued, Knicks' brows furrowed deeper, and his expression darkened. Seeing someone attempting to apprehend Ling Chunann, he could no longer hold back. "Silence!"

The soldiers realized their commanding officer was present and immediately quieted down.

Just then, a clear voice interjected, interrupting Knicks.

"He's my deputy here; you may address him as General Yu."

Upon seeing the newcomer, the officers exchanged glances before saluting in recognition.

"Your Highness."

"Greetings to the Crown Prince!"

Allen waved his hand dismissively. "No need for such formalities, soldiers. Half a month ago, upon receiving Major Knicks' message and realizing time was of the essence, I contacted General Yu nearby to lead reinforcements. Little did we know, he alone would demolish the insectoid nest." Allen's eyes shone with admiration, then his gaze turned icy as he surveyed the soldiers. "Yet, this is how you treat your savior."

The soldiers, embarrassed, dared not voice any further doubts and avoided Ling Chunann's gaze.

Allen then turned to Ling Chunann, winked silently, and cleared his throat. "Everyone has worked hard these days. Go rest for a day, and we'll start clearing the remaining insectoids tomorrow afternoon."

The soldiers responded energetically, "Yes!"

"Alright, you may leave now." Allen waved them off, then turned to Knicks, still hesitating to speak. "Major Knicks, you too, go and refresh yourself, then come to see me."

After everyone left, Ling Chunann looked at Allen with raised eyebrows. "What did you just call me?"

Allen, previously commanding, now appeared sheepish, smiling at Ling Chunann. "Aunt, it was the little prince who sent me to find you. He also sent a lot of food for you, which I've put in the spacecraft. I'll bring it to you shortly."

"Did you two have a quarrel? Did the little prince offend you in any way? Tell me, and I'll speak to the emperor about it."

As Allen babbled on, trying to warm Ling Chunann, he inquired, "098, what's his affection level now?"

Previously, Ling Chunann and Allen had interacted, maintaining an affection level of 20%. However, with such behavior, it surely had risen.

098 found it odd too. After Ling Chunann's inquiry, it hurriedly checked the crown prince's affection level. "

Ho-host," 098 stammered.


After a pause, 098 clarified, "The crown prince's affection has turned into latent affection, now at 90%."

"What's latent affection?" Ling Chunann's focus always differed from 098's.

"Latent affection represents the purest form of kinship or friendship, not confined to romance," 098 explained. But how did it change so silently mid-mission?

After a moment of silence, Ling Chunann then asked the crown prince, "You just called me a general?"

Allen nodded. "Yes, the little prince secured you an honorary general's rank, which will become official once you've achieved military distinction. To avoid any misunderstandings," he hastened to add, "it's not favoritism. With your SSS qualifications, you'd directly start as a formal major if you enlisted. With just a little merit, you could swiftly be promoted to general. Due to the urgency, we applied for an honorary general's rank for you. Please, don't take it the wrong way."

098 chimed in, "That's true, host. He's not deceiving you. After all, SSS individuals are exceedingly rare." Indeed, a formal major's rank was significantly higher than an honorary general's.

"I don't mind," Ling Chunann said. "But could you use a different title?"

"Of course, Your... then, what should I call you?" Allen looked puzzled.

"You can call me..."


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