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Chapter 137

"Host, his bodily functions are currently sustained solely by the repair fluid in the nutrition chamber. Exposing him to air rashly might result in immediate death." 098 was fraught with anxiety. After a recent check, although the man appeared physically intact, his body was nearly in a state of total disintegration internally, with not a single area unaffected, his life signs maintained purely by his willpower and the repair fluid.

"Don't worry, it's not so easy for him to die," Ling Chunann said while reaching out to touch the man, "He feels better than he looks." Ling Chunann then proceeded to feel the man all over his body.

After a while, seeing that his host had become completely engrossed in the man's beauty, 098 couldn't help but anxiously remind, "Host, he's about to die!"

"098, why do you care so much about him? I'm getting jealous."

"I…" 098 was left speechless by Ling Chunann, it was only trying to look out for him after all.

However, 098 quickly realized its mistake. As Ling Chunann's actions continued, the man, who had been twitching slightly, gradually calmed down. 098 was somewhat surprised and hurriedly checked the man's current physical condition, only to find that he had significantly recovered. Although not fully healed, he was definitely no longer in mortal danger.

Clearly, Ling Chunann was not merely touching him but was healing his wounds.

"I'm sorry, Host," 098 quickly apologized, feeling it had wronged Ling Chunann.

At that moment, inside the royal palace's study, a tall, handsome alpha of striking appearance was attending to official duties when he suddenly saw the information displayed on the light-brain and stood up abruptly, "Kayan!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." An alpha resembling a butler entered the room.

"Where is the young prince?"

"Your Majesty, the young prince left the palace this morning and has not yet returned."


"Host, someone is approaching this way!"

"I know." Ling Chunann responded, then leaned forward towards the man, lifted his chin, licked his lips, and then, with a look of disdain, frowned, "Smells like medicine."

Despite his words, his actions didn't stop. He bit the man's shoulder, licked the wound, and watched as the injuries healed themselves. He then patted the man's cheek before nonchalantly standing up, closing the chamber door, and refilling the nutrition chamber with repair fluid, "Let's go."

As Ling Chunann reached the door, he seemed to sense something, turned back, and saw the man, who should have been unconscious, staring straight at him.

098, despite considering itself worldly, was taken aback. Ling Chunann, however, seemed to have expected this, blew a kiss to the man, and then calmly left the room.

As the door closed, the man closed his eyes again.

"Your Majesty, I've checked, and there are no signs of intrusion on any of the doors," Kayan reported after his inspection.

"How is that possible?" The man frowned deeply. He reviewed the access records on his light-brain only to find them blank, as if what he had seen was an illusion, "Let's go in and check."

When Ling Chunann left, everything was as it had been, leaving no trace behind, and the emperor naturally discovered nothing.

"Your Majesty, everything is normal, and Prince Noer still lacks consciousness," Kayan reported after inspecting the room, eventually his gaze fixed on the nutrition chamber, "Your, Your Majesty, the prince, he…"

By then, Ling Chunann had already returned to the streets.

"Host, was he awake just now?" 098 was still somewhat disoriented.

"Given his current physical condition, he should remain unconscious for a few more days," Ling Chunann replied.

"So, just now…" Was it dreaming?

"He must not want to let me go," Ling Chunann said with a hint of pride.

"…" 098 never realized how narcissistic its host could be.

In the following days, Ling Chunann frequented the imperial library to catch up on various knowledge of this world. 098 did suggest direct knowledge transfer, but Ling Chunann refused. Information imparted by the system, except for mission data, was easily forgotten. So, unless necessary, Ling Chunann preferred to learn on his own.

The sole caretaker of the imperial library was an old alpha over four hundred years old, his back somewhat stooped. He smiled warmly at every visitor, "Young man, you're early today."

"Good morning, grandfather," Ling Chunann nodded to the old man.

"Still looking at mech-related books today?" the old man stroked his beard.

"No, after a few days with mechs, I realized there's a lot of history I'm unaware of, so I'm starting with interstellar history today," Ling Chunann replied with a smile.

"Not many

 young people enjoy reading like you these days," the old man said with satisfaction, "Look at my grandson, school starts next month, and he's still out playing, alas."

"Host, why not just look for books on the star net? Many resources there are copied from the imperial library," 098 finally couldn't hold back and asked while Ling Chunann was returning a book to the shelf.

Ling Chunann read quickly, even able to multitask and read two books at once. Perhaps due to enhanced soul power, his already photographic memory had improved several folds. He picked books from the shelf while replying, "You'll see in a couple of days."

098 sulked for the next two days without getting an answer from Ling Chunann.

On the third day, as usual, Ling Chunann arrived at the library right as it opened, and the old man greeted him with his usual warm smile, "Ah Chen, good morning."

"Good morning, grandfather."

"Host, doesn't the old man seem a bit off today?" 098 was vigilant.

"What's off?" Ling Chunann walked up to the third floor.

"Host, there's someone on the third floor."

In the library, which was usually empty and quiet, sat a brown-haired, brown-eyed alpha with a rebellious gaze and arrogantly handsome features. He was sitting with his legs crossed, arms folded across his chest, a book laid unopened in front of him. He occasionally glanced towards the door, looking somewhat impatient. Upon seeing Ling Chunann, he straightened up, his eyes locked on him, filled with assessment.

"Host, it's the first male side character," 098 quickly identified the person, "Host, did you know he would come?"

The first male side character, Karalana, was the youngest son of General Wilmo, known for his tsundere nature. He was the roommate of the male lead, Xin Lin, and should have been close to winning over the male lead, but was ultimately sidelined by the appearance of the empire's crown prince, relegating him to a side character role.

Ling Chunann didn't answer 098's question, nor did he glance at Karalana, but walked towards an area he hadn't explored the day before.

"First male side character's favorability -10%, current favorability -10%."

"Host, he looks like he wants to beat you up."

Ling Chunann, holding a pile of books, casually said, "He can't beat me."

098: "…" That's not the point! Didn't you notice his favorability dropped?

Alphas naturally repel each other, but whether it's the male lead or the three male side characters, all are pure alphas. The task demands a 100% favorability rating, which 098 finds increasingly impossible. It feared its host was headed for disaster.

As Ling Chunann returned to his seat with a stack of books, 098 despairingly noticed the favorability had dropped again.

"First male side character's favorability -10%, current favorability -20%."

098 had never seen its host so disliked before!

098 was fretting, but Ling Chunann seemed oblivious, continuing as usual without giving any attention to the male side character nearby.

Ling Chunann read quickly, but to anyone standing in front of him, it wouldn't seem like he was reading at all. It was more like he was flipping through the books, finishing two in less than ten minutes.

After finishing the pile of books in front of him and about to stand up, a shadow appeared in front of him. A hand pressed on the topmost book, and a voice as arrogant as its owner spoke, "Modern History of the Empire? Tsk, you're still reading such basic material."

"Let go," Ling Chunann wasn't angry, merely glanced at Karalana, "I'm going to return these books."

"You're saying you've read all these books?" Karalana said disdainfully, "With the way you flip through them, I doubt you've remembered a single page."

"Whether I remembered or not is none of your concern," Ling Chunann smirked, "Are you here to pick a fight? Have I offended you in some way?"

"Pfft!" As if stepping on a sore spot, Karalana jumped up, "I don't have the time to pick on you. If it wasn't for me, huh, I challenge you to a competition!"

"Host, I remember now, the librarian's surname is also Wilmo," 098 chimed in, "But why is he picking on you?"

"Clearly, he's jealous of my brilliant intellect."


After the conversation with 098, Ling Chunann picked up the books and stood up, saying to Karalana, "Sorry, not interested."

"Stop right there!" Karalana followed him, "Are you scared? To think people praise you as a genius in front of me, I

 see now it's nothing special."

Ling Chunann picked another pile of books, then turned to assess Karalana.

Ling Chunann was quite tall among alphas, taller than Karalana by several inches. Feeling scrutinized like that, Karalana suddenly felt uneasy, stepping back and blurting out, "You, don't think you can do whatever you want just because my grandfather praised you. I'm not afraid of you, I'm the smartest."

"Grandfather?" Ling Chunann nodded, "I see, how do you want to compete?"

"Let's see who can recite a book faster!" Karalana couldn't believe Ling Chunann had actually read those books.


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