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Chapter 130

As an antagonist system, 098 naturally sided with the villains. Therefore, in its view, anyone associated with vampire hunters was deemed bad, especially when Ling Chunann's meeting today was with the leader of the hunters, which inevitably made it anxious.

However, Ling Chunann seemed oblivious to his system's concerns and sped towards the city center at a velocity of two hundred kilometers per hour.

"Host, there's a car ahead, be careful!" 098 warned, its voice filled with fright.

"I see it," Ling Chunann replied, slowing down. "What time did he arrange to meet?"

"At half-past one," 098 checked the time. "It's already two in the afternoon."

"Hmm." Ling Chunann further halved his speed.

By two-thirty, Ling Chunann arrived at the restaurant's entrance right on time, with 098 scanning the surroundings vigilantly, fearing an ambush by vampire hunters hidden around any corner.

Ling Chunann, however, was not in a hurry. He straightened his slightly disheveled collar and entered the restaurant.

"Good afternoon, sir. Do you have a reservation?" the waiter inquired.

"I'm here to meet Mr. Long," Ling Chunann responded.

"This way, please, sir," the waiter led Ling Chunann to a private room, opened the door, and invited, "Please, sir."

The man inside the room, who had appeared in the hotel after Ling Chunann took Liang Youyi away, was indeed the handsome leader of the vampire hunters. He seemed lost in thought and took a couple of seconds to register Ling Chunann's presence. Standing up, his expression was complex, but excitement in his eyes was evident. He stammered, "Hello, my name is Long Qiuyan. Please, have a seat."

"Host, no ambush detected," 098 reported. "But I find his attitude a bit odd."

"I noticed without you saying," Ling Chunann replied. "If I didn't know he was into women, I'd think he had a crush on me."


Sitting across Long Qiuyan, Ling Chunann began, "Hello, I'm Shu Yiheng. You mentioned having something to discuss regarding my master; what is it?"

When Shu Yiheng's master was mentioned, Long Qiuyan's expression instantly turned serious. "Was your master named Shu Lingkun?"

Ling Chunann feigned surprise, "How do you know?"

"Did he tell you he was a vampire hunter?" Long Qiuyan asked.

"Yes, he taught me how to hunt vampires from a young age. How do you know about him? Do you know my master? But he said he never had any friends."

Ling Chunann was adept at playing the naïve college student.

Long Qiuyan, not seeing through his act, continued, "Did he tell you anything else about the vampire hunters?"

Ling Chunann shook his head, "No, he just taught me hunting skills and didn't share anything else or allow me to ask. After his death, I had no one to ask." He looked somewhat dejected, then eagerly asked Long Qiuyan, "Can you tell me?"

"Ah, sure." Long Qiuyan, momentarily lost in thought, began to share, "The Shu family was once a vampire hunter clan, alongside the Long and Qi families, known as the three great clans. The Qi family fell into internal strife a hundred years ago, and their mansion was burned down, ending their lineage. The Shu family dwindled to just Shu Lingkun. He joined the hunter organization and became teammates with the Long family's eldest son, my uncle."

Long Qiuyan's story was quite detailed. Meanwhile, Ling Chunann multitasked, "098, look up information on the Long family."

"Right away, host." Eager for a task, 098 quickly returned with information, "Host, the current head of the Long family is Long Qiuyan, with two sisters living abroad. The previous generation had three brothers; Long Qiuyan is the second son's child, and the two sisters are the youngest son's daughters. Hospital records indicate the eldest brother's wife died during childbirth, along with the baby, leaving him childless."

"The date of death?"

"Nineteen years ago," 098 quickly responded. "Host, you're not suspecting Shu Yiheng is the child of the Long family, are you? But the records say he's dead."

"Records can be altered," Ling Chunann dismissed.

Long Qiuyan finally finished recounting how close his uncle and Shu Lingkun were, his expression heavy, "But my uncle never expected his trusted brother would kill his wife and take his child."

"You mean my master stole the Long family's child?" Ling Chunann acted shocked.

"Yes," Long Qiuyan confirmed, then looked at Ling Chunann, "

If I'm not mistaken, you are that child."

"No, that's impossible," Ling Chunann stood up, retreating as he spoke, "My master couldn't be that person."

Refusing to believe, Long Qiuyan pulled out a photo from his wallet and pushed it towards Ling Chunann. It showed a young, handsome couple radiating happiness. "This is a picture of your parents. You resemble your mother by about fifty percent."

"No, I refuse to believe this!" Ling Chunann, pale and distraught, excused himself, "I'm sorry, Mr. Long, I must leave now."

After Ling Chunann hastily exited the restaurant, he slowed down once he saw Long Qiuyan didn't follow.

"Congratulations, host, on completing the hidden mission 'The Mystery of One's Origin', +1000 energy points, current energy points: 8000."

"You're incredible, host!" 098 praised, amazed at how Ling Chunann completed the hidden mission.

"Hidden mission?" Ling Chunann's interest was piqued. "I don't recall having hidden missions before."

"Hidden missions require specific conditions to be activated, and they only become visible upon successful completion. It's possible for a quester to complete hundreds of missions without ever activating a hidden mission. You've done exceptionally well," 098's voice was cheerful.

"Oh." Ling Chunann nodded. "If it's so rare, why is the reward so small?"

"...Ahem," 098 felt awkward, "That might be why many questers aren't willing to invest time in hidden missions."

Just as Long Qiuyan was about to follow Ling Chunann, his phone rang.

"Boss! Major discovery! Another high-ranking vampire has appeared near Jiangcheng, at least of Elder level. We've pinpointed his approximate location and need backup!"

"Right, I'm on my way."

The next day, Ling Chunann arrived at the central square as planned, now swarming with people and filled with noise and screams. Two girls, holding glow sticks and posters, jumped towards Ling Chunann, smiling, "The gates are open! Yiheng, let's go in!"

Although Ling Chunann had experienced being surrounded by fans before, he wasn't fond of such noisy environments. "Follow me," he told the girls.

The VIP entrance had a separate passage. After showing their tickets to the attendant, they finally escaped the crowded situation outside.

"Yiheng, why didn't uncle come?" Su Ziqi asked softly as they walked.

"He's busy, will join us later," Ling Chunann explained. "We have more than an hour before the concert starts, want to go backstage?"

"Really?!" Su Ziqi was thrilled, even the usually calm Zhang Yunya couldn't hide her excitement.

"Of course." Ling Chunann affirmed.

On their way, the two girls whispered excitedly about how great Ran Fenglin's songs were and how handsome he looked, their mood becoming increasingly elated.

098 found it baffling, "Host, both you and Yuan Congshu are far more attractive than the male lead number five. Why are they so infatuated with him?"

"Star effect," Ling Chunann stated succinctly.

The two excited girls did not notice that they had not encountered anyone on their way, nor did they see when Ling Chunann moved behind them and then disappeared without a trace, walking straight to the end of the corridor.

At the end was a room with "Changing Room" written on the door. The door wasn't locked, and faint sounds could be heard from inside.

It was a voice pleading, "Don't... please... ah..."

From Su Ziqi's perspective, she could see a man facing her, his head buried in the neck of a woman with long hair, appearing to be kissing her.

Thinking it was just a couple getting intimate, Su Ziqi intended to leave with Zhang Yunya, but then she saw the man lift his head!

"Ah!" Su Ziqi screamed, pulling Zhang Yunya to run back the way they came without waiting for a question.

"Counterattack value +10%, current counterattack value is 80%, please continue your efforts, host."

Inside the room, feeling the man's movements pause, the woman lifted her head, coquettishly said, "My lord, what are you looking at? How did I perform just now?"

"Nothing, let's continue," he said and went back to biting her neck.

After running through two corridors, Su Ziqi finally stopped, her face pale and clearly still frightened.

"Qi Qi, what happened?" Zhang Yunya was breathless; although she had lost some weight recently, she couldn't keep up with such a fast pace, especially running so quickly.

"I, I just now..."

Su Ziqi's voice trembled, and then she suddenly gasped, "Oh no! Yiheng, where is Yiheng?" She looked panicked, "We must go back for him."

"What exactly happened?" Zhang Yunya, who was following Su Ziqi, hadn't seen anything.

Su Ziqi blankly said, "I saw, Ran Fenglin is a vampire."

Zhang Yunya was shocked, "How is that possible?"

Despite their fear, Su Ziqi insisted on going back to find Ling Chunann. Carefully making their way back through the corridor and just as they rounded a corner, they ran into Ling Chunann, who asked, "What are you two doing?"


The author adds: The difficult choice time has arrived. Ancient time travel, ABO, urban melodrama, modern cultivation.


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