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Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Episode 5 Full Length

Edited Reaction/Discussion Link: https://youtu.be/EdToohJ-h-s


Kor of the Son

I think it's pretty important to point out that when Zanoba is referring to "Silent-dono" as the last member of homeroom, he is not talking about Silent Fittz/Sylphie, it's a different person. It's understandably confusing, but that was why he referred to her as "she." Nobody at the school except for Ariel and Luke know that Fittz is actually a girl.


Odd quirk of watching subbed. They use the actual Japanese word for silent when referring to the absent "miss silent" denoting she's rather quiet/reserved. But all references to Silent Fittz use the English word silent as an epithet for their incantation less casting.


Additionally, the MTBB subs that I think the bros are using have "Miss Sevenstar" in the version without honorifics whereas it's kept "Silent-dono" in the version with. They were watching the non-honorific version a couple of episodes ago, I wonder why they changed for this one.