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I love how the Bros always have Bakugo telling Midoriya to kill himself in the back of their minds. They will adore the rest of the season.


I’ve heard this season is good, but I skipped 5th season because it was trash. Now in order to enjoy this new season I have to force myself through 5th… Sad


actually if you want just start reading chapter 190 to 240 of the manga, that's more or less the starting and end points of Season 5 in the anime

Rose Rivers

You can skip to Season 5 episode 17 and just start there it’s pretty good from there.

Kris Grimsley

It's not THAT bad. It's certainly a downgrade from every other season, and there were some portions that were very poorly adapted from the manga, but there's still plenty to enjoy

The Great Santini

It's easier to binge through the 5th season because you don't have the grueling week-long wait for subpar episodes to let you down.


I watched through season 5 with someone and they were just fine with it. Watching a few episodes at a time makes it better to digest.


Favorite MHA arc begins


Lmao the bakugo talk. No one cares about bakugo right now