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BoJack Horseman 1x7 yt



To me, this episode is really the start of what this show actually is like and what it's about. I also absolutely love how much you guys already love Princess Carolyn's character.


Yes! I adore Princess Carolyn. I think this is the first episode where her actress has to do a tongue twister. Amy Sedaris hates tongue twisters so the writers decided to give her a bunch of them.

Perry C

I totally agree. A lot of early season 1 has moments that make me cringe a little, but both this episode and the next mark a turning point. I am very excited for the next reaction. And yeah, PC is one of my absolute favorite characters in the show.


For sure, to be honest I still really enjoy the first half of season 1, but it isn't really anything special at that point. But this and the next episode are really the beginning of something new. And honestly I like to think of this and the next episode as really one long episode because they just go together so well. Next reaction is going to be so good!


Absolutely keep an eye out of these. Cracks me up every time that Amy hates them and the writers keep giving them to her and she kills it everytime anyway


The tongue twisters are such good examples of the passion that went into this show. They aren't necessary at all, and there are a lot of things this show does that aren't "necessary" but they add so much charm to the show. And that's without even getting into the stellar writing and themes. This show does the big things well, and also TONS of little things well.