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SOS Bros React - Reincarnated as a Slime Season 2 Episode 23 -

REACTION LINK HERE: https://streamable.com/hb6z9j What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Buy Jacob's sci-fi novel Battle Lines here: https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Lines-Jacob-I-Wolcott/dp/1733753508/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1559663589&sr=1-2 Follow us on Twitch: @SemblanceofSanity_YT Wednesdays @ 3 pm PST: Caleb Gaming Thursdays @ 3 pm PST: Caleb Gaming Fridays @ 3 pm PST: Caleb Gaming Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 6830 NE Bothell Way, Ste C 483 Kenmore, WA 98028 semblance of sanity sos bros slime season 2 reaction episode 23


Vianta Roa



Where's the reaction link?




I mentioned this on last episode but Claymans plan was never to do something at Walpurgis it was basically a play for time. The primary reason for Walpurgis was to force the Demon Lord Valentine the stand away so that Laplace could sneak into the center of the church and find out their secrets. - you can go back to the to the scene were Lapalce and Yuuki talk .... Laplace suggests calling walpurgis since they have Clayman and "control" Milim and Frey From Claymans personal standpoint he also wanted to use this to buy time and so that his forces can genocide Eurazia and gather the souls before the other Demon Lords can react. And he also wanted to flex "his" new power over Milim in front of the others Originaly Rimuru was not even supposed to attend Walpurgis. So Claymans long winded speech and over complicated cover plot was designed to buy time. This is more speculation but I would not be surprised if the weak plot was on purpose to invite disagreement and debate stretching the meeting out What Clayman could not account for is 1) Raphael creating mass transportation spell - since Claymans force were already on the move without this Tempest and the Beesketeers would not have been able to reach them in time or set up any trap ... 2) Rimuru being friends with Ramiris allowing him to enter the meeting - this would have passed since Guy and Leon were already interested in him and was approved before Clayman could object One of the draw backs of the anime skipping a lot of skill explanations is that Clayman seems a bit underplayed here ... Clayman is at the same level as Fray and not far behind Carlion or even the same level ... depending on weather Clayman is an actual Demon Lord seed or nor. His main Problem is his personality. Which causes a lot of the others to dislike and look down on him. But Shion is basically at this point one of the worst opponents for him to go against Her magical levels are at the Demon Lord Level ... She has Ultra speed regeneration same as Charibdis has Her Sword is a soul eater as explained here it destroys spirits and as seen is a direct counter for Claymans marionette control. In addition the 100 people that were Resurected received a skill called Perfect Memory - this skill allows them to store the state of their mind and memories inside of their soul core - astral body, and it allows the to be brought back with their memories and personality back even if their Physical and Spiritual body is destroyed making them almost completely immortal unless the very core of their soul is destroyed. It also makes them virtually immune to almost all types of mind control as they can restore the state of their mind to before the interference .... you would again need something that affects the very core of the soul ... or something in place already so that in it could not be erased by the restore ... As for what Clayman wants to do next have to see As for the souls people killed by the Demon Lord/his minions in his name can have their souls taken in by the "Demon Lord" this is how the awakening is facilitated ... those not consumed during the awakening or others gathered after remain attached to the "Demon Lord" and the only way to release them from that is to bring them to the surface and extract them - which is what this imperfect awakening enables ... thats what the plan was beat him so low that in his desperation he forcibly breaks his limits - bringing the souls he already gathered to the surface as a means of powering himself up


As for the others know there were multiple hints especially from Guy. in his meeting with Leon he said that while a fool Milim is quite perceptive for these kind of thing. When the duel started and Guy said it was fine for Milim to join in as long as she is doing it of her own volition When Ramiris complained about not being allowed to send Berreta in while Milim was allowed Guy states that Millim has her own plans Then there is of course Raphael saying that there is no spell ... And Veldora proclaiming "Controlled? No, Rimmuru thats ... (not the case) That said this was in a way spoiled in the novel as after the meeting with Leon Guy goes thinking about how the Demon Lords came to be 10, and we also get his backstory. Starting as the Primodial Red Rouge he was summoned by a human to destroy an enemy nation, in the same way we saw the woman at the end of S1 summoning Noir (Black and future Diablo). He destroys the enemy nation but as payment he destroys the summoners own nation as well. This is also name Guy - pronounced "ghee" as the shrieks of those he crushed and with killing so many he awakened as a True Demon Lord. His awakening affected the 2 demons summoned with him Blue - Bleu and Green - Vert The maids he has - he the made them subordinates and gave them names Misery - for the Misery of mankind she caused Raine - for the rains of blood that fell where she walked Around the same time Milim awakened and went on her rampage ... since this threatened to wipe out all life on the planet which did not fit into Guys plans he fought her for 7days and 7 nights turning the western most third/quarter of the continent into a wasteland. The battle ended only with the intervention of the Spirit Queen Ramiris who helped snap Milim out of her rage ... Ramiris bathed in the auras of demons and dragons fell from the station of spirit and became the self resurrecting fairy we see Thus the 3 original Demon Lords: One who wanted to find the farthest reaches of power One who wanted to live free from all barriers One who wanted to promote Balance in the world Next they were joined a Giant that had protected the gates of heaven and an Ancient Vampire and a fallen Angel The Giant was to imbued with Holy power to become a seed but was as powerfull as a Awakened Demon Lord All of these have Awakened Then there was Leon who was a true hero making him equal to an Awakened Demon Lord who was the newest He then laughs at Clayman for thinking he could control Milim ... if Guy could not there was no way someone like him could ... especially since Milim was an Ultimate skill holder like Guy and lower raking skills just did not work on those who possessed Ultimates ... An elemental attack at their weakness may work but any kind of domination magic ... forget that ... anyone weak spirited enough to be dominated like that would never have been able to attain a Ultimate Skill. he ends it with thinking its time for the weakling to be stiffed true and the Rule of the True Demon Lords to begin


The Anime mentions it multiple times so that is strange ... Ramiris explains it as a gathering of Demon Lords at the end of the conference and the word is used multiple times since then that said it comes from Walpurgis Nigh - or the eve of the feast of Saint Walpurga ... who is a saint that is connected with protection against witch craft and the feast being on may 1st, the night is on the 30.April and is often connected with a gathering of witches and evil powers - partly since there are multiple pagan celebration on this date and partly later christian tradition as a attempt to mock the saint whose intercession is especially strong against them.


I think Jacob is right. The point of the Milim twist is that super powerful beings play around without regard to the lives of others and it wrecks shit. Milim was established in season 1 as super powerful, desperately bored, and immature. Technically, she's not supposed to wreck shit in a lot of places due to the non interference pact she has with the other demon lords. I think that she took an opportunity of Clayman plotting to break the rules, to changing things up, get to play fight with other demon lords, and pull a prank on a bunch of people she knew including one she didn't like all that much. I think the point it is trying to illustrate is that thelike Veldora other super old and powerful beings are unconcerned about the dealings or lives of lesser creatures. I like the idea. But you are right it clashes in tone with the rest of the season. I think that this is primarily because of the show going to deliberate lengths to hide her deception from the viewer so that we only saw Rimeru's perspective on it to get the "twist". I think if they had let the viewers in on it, the tension could have been generated by how the rest of Clayman's plan would unfold, how far she would take the game in regards to Rimeru, and when Rimeru would clue in. It would also make Raphael's exasperation our exasperation which would be fun. I would have really liked getting more Clayman backstory earlier on as well. They could have cut some of the super long Tempest meeting scenes a bit to squeeze it in there. Which could give us some investment in the party we knew from the beginning was going to loose and potentially make his actions seem tragic hubris rather than annoying dumb bluster. It also would have been nice to worry about him actually achieving some of the goals of whoever he was working for with this play. A person trying too hard to overachieve at a goal for someone else and failing because of it. An overeager inexperienced person being manipulated into failure to achieve someone else's hidden goals. Either of those would be more interesting than what he appeared to be between the moment he called the meeting without sufficient intelligence up until the last minute of this episode.


Reaction link isn’t working for me, video isn’t loading

Tano Espo

you need to go on yourube and then in the decriptions to find rhe link


wasnt milim doing this whole mind control thing as a favor to frey so she could find out this information?


yes but that was not mentioned this episode ... dont remember if the anime mentions this

Jay Burch

This is my favorite anime/manga currently but it wasnt a twist for me. Already having the knowledge the milim is literally God’s daughter with 1/4 of their skills, of course nobody can control a literal Demigod. But thats my view. I can understand how people can be underwhelmed by all the scheming and play fighting. For me it was more so this guy has been one of the sources of conflict and pain for Rimuru’s people since Rimuru came into the world and swallowed Veldora. This is him putting himself on trial and making a fool of himself in every single way. There are far more serious moments in the show n manga not revolving around chuckles the clown, n honestly Footman is the scariest of all of them in my opinion. All clayman has done is lerk in the shadowsn drinking wine, every actually horrific thing we have seen with that group has Footman up front. Examples: Murder of the Ogre village, Footman actually there shown to us, who almost killed Geld Jr. and Phobio 👀 i just think people are looking at the wrong characters and expecting things from stepping stones.

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

Correction: Milm becoming a demon lord was nowhere near in time to Guy becoming one. The nation that summoned Guy was Jahil's nation. It was around 20'000 years ago. Milim was only born and became a demon lord around 2000 years ago.


Chronologically correct, but I was more going more for how it was presented in Guys recollection: It says precisely this: "Just after Guy awakened to demon lord-dom, another one did the same. That was Milim ..." from Guys perspective a how much time passed was not important


I thought it was clear from the beginning that you shouldn't take this story seriously. It never had a big focus on fights. Every fight is resolved very fast. It's just very entertaining as fk, and i love the show for that.

Charles Darcy

Is the replacement poll for this going up soon?


I do appreciate your explanations of what has already happened in the anime using the rest of the anime for context. Using some tiny details that the light novel covered and the anime skipped over for time is also ok. This comment though, covers a lot of big details not yet shown by the anime that have lots of potential to be shown in later seasons. I feel it is a bit of a spoiler. I regret having read it.