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this show is 2 gud, it gets better and better


Did you guys realize that the voice actor of Snake is Fuminori Komatsu who did Polnareff in JOJO? Our Polpol is back XD


No there is NO colony at this point in time in newfoundland, it wasn't established yet even if you are talking about Leif Erikson's first trip there which didn't result in any permanent "colony", it was more of a quick landing before they returned. Also colony is a kinda wrong term to use in this case since it wasn't colonization but more like settlement Also a settlement need a lot of preparation, you can't just settle in a new continent without lot of people, food and prior preparation and planning, Leif's discovery wasn't planned and thus he had to return. So at this point of the story nothing changed in Vinland and North America that we have not seen in the show

Tyler Owens

I'm glad y'all touch on the father element of season 1, in my head the major theme of the entire prologue are the relationships between Fathers and their sons. Thorfinn & Thors/Askeladd Canute & Ragnar/Sweyn Man & God (or as Canute generally refers to him, "Father in Heaven") You could include Askeladd & Olaf in there as well really but generally it feels to be one of the most consistent themes


Surprisingly they are so off in their predictions

James Ancester

It's a good thing from time to time, no? I personally like having my expectations subverted by good shows, especially this one where it feels well built and natural.


Isn't really all that surprising. They are smart but they tend to get their predictions off. Either way I would be fine with it. The more off they are about predictions the better the reactions when it goes a different route than expected

Levi Blair

yeah that's definitely one of the biggest themes along with having an anti-violence mentality. The amount of time the first season showed that violence only benefits the worst of us and hurts the best of us makes it the biggest theme in the story imo. Hell I'd go so far as to say the main reason for Thors aside for setting up Thorfinns journey is to establish the antiviolence theme's the story leans so heavily into.


Where is the slime reaction?


Right?! I'm so happy that we are able to see his amazing acting skill and the voice of course. Also Kensho Ono (Giorno's voice actor)is doing Kanute yo!


2nd to last episode of Slime S2, best guess is Caleb is still setting up the replacement poll lel


Yaboyroshi had a whole beef with some fans saying Askeladd was not a father figure to Thorfinn 😂


Update from the Discord - Caleb: "I'm not able to post it until much later tonight unfortunately"


You guys should try reacting to scissors seven it's a amazing show.