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SOS Bros React - Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 2 -

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BTW they are not in Vinland, Ketil's farm is in Denmark granted they don't give a little location title but they are not in Vinland.


I really do hope someone passes along that they are not in Vinland. Even in this episode Einar says “Is this normal in Denmark? We had slaves back in my homeland but they were slaves for life”.

Víctor Colina

Why do they think that thorfinn and Einar are in Vinland xD?

James S

Just because the farm looks so much like the way people envisioned Vinland, presumably.


Which is quite frustrating that they don't think further about it. They go right for that one visual cue without noticing wait, Vinland was suppossed to have no Slavery. And wait the series is about settling Vinland, why are there already people with full fledged farms there. Or: why are there all the English and Danish people if it was discovered by the Greenlanders first? Or how realisticly is it for Olmar wanting to be a warrior in Canutes Army when he would have to leave and go to the other side of the world through dangerous waters.


Yah unfortunately the sos bros been assuming a lot of things In there reactions without rlly thinking it’s been getting annoying

Lotus Gramarye

tfw the boys have no fucking clue what vinland is... despite Lief clearly describing it in episode 1


No way they think there still in Vinland. Last episode? Ok, but this episode literally says there in Denmark 💀💀


Did the entirely misunderstand what vinland is in this show? Wtf? lol are you both on drugs? I am confused how you got it so mixed up


Is this gonna ruin the entire episode reaction cause they constantly are going to call out that this is somehow vinland


Hope this gets resolved by next episode


Also the fact that they think einar would be way better at cutting down trees than thorfinn just because he is bigger is really telling that they don't have that kind of life experience and know barely anything about farming so this is gonna be a fun set of reactions since so much of this season is literally about farm life.


In case anyone asks I grew up on a farm. I at least know some things about farm life and the feeling of being drained after working on the field in 100 degree F heat

James Ancester

Can you chill? Daaaamn... Don't act like you never misunderstood anything in any show you ever watched. Especially when you didn't have specific knowledge of what the status of colonization was on the north american continent at this time and the fact that the first shot of the farm last EP did, in fact, closely resemble the imagery depicting Vinland at the start of the first season.

James Ancester

Are you just here to gatekeep, dude? Or are you just trolling and I fell for it? You're basically saying "They're watching the show wrong becuase they didn't have a very specific upbringing". No way can someone be as conceited about something so minor.


James if you've seen literally any of this guys other comments you'd know that being an obnoxious POS is second nature to him. The amount of time I've seen him bitch about so many different things is hilarious. Must be insufferable to be around IRL

James Ancester

Thilde I try not to go the "I looked at your comment history so now your argument is invalid" route, but thanks for letting me know. Guess that's another one that's pointless to argue with then.

Tim Kane

On one hand, its really funny that they thought they were in Vinland On the other, its baffling that the bros built their shtick on being super analytical yet they keep getting the most basic of the shows wrong. With half their recent lineup (Mob, Jojo, Kaiji, Slime, etc) they miss some basic fact and spend 20 mins making up theories about things clearly explained in the episode. Frankly I wonder if the bros are getting tired of providing commentary about shows and would rather be making up their own fanfics. Wish you the best, but its honestly becoming frustrating to tune in week to week and will be pausing the patreon for now

Nut Kon

one thing i realize is that they are very performative in these videos.. they're either briefed or did some basic research on the type of show they're watching, then go 'in character' for the type of reaction they're performing when 'in character' they stick to a certain mindset and expectation of a show and base all their theories, discussions, and reactions around that 'character'.. i don't really know how to explain it, but i think its a type of personality trait of people that cater their character based on the situation they're in.. like if they're watching a respectful, emotional show, they're very quiet and contemplative.. but if they're watching something that's like prison school, they're personalities do a 180 and they go all dude bro humour.. what is it called in english? social chameleon? haha hope u get what i mean not really a bad thing, just an observation.. for me, when their 'character' and show matches up, their reactions are very entertaining to watch :D


okay I don't want to add fuel to this fire bc I genuinely love their reactions, but my mother's logging family made fun of my dad because he was 6'6 ft tall and even when he crouched down he still cut the trees too high up, so even though he was the biggest guy there he wasn't the best logger


I feel like this is common enough of a thing that it doesn't need to be identified as like a specific personality trait. Doesn't everyone do this? Like of course if they're watching something serious, they won't go full dude bro in front of their audience. They're trying to be respectful of the subject matter, and thus give a reaction befitting the type of content they're watching.

Colin Jordan

agreed, it's so fun to watch them obsess over things in their reactions occasionally lol

Colin Jordan

moving the plugs to the intro instead of the outro sounds great, it doesn't take very long to wait through it for regular viewers :) can't wait to watch the rest of this series with you guys!


Lmaooo. I find it funny that people are seriously salty about my comments. Rent free in your mind. Damn.

Nut Kon

i think the thing i was trying to point out is that they get into a 'mode' and then stay in that 'mode' throughout the whole show, which colors all their theories and expectations and when the 'mode' they're in does not match what the show is doing, they often do things that make their expectations or discussions fixate on weird things.. and miss the point on a lot of things outside of their tunnel vision because they're stuck in a certain mindset, when otherwise if they're approaching every show with the love and care and attention to detail like attack on titan, a lot of complaints (like OP's feedback about how they rather make up their own fanfics) would never arise

Levi Blair

I'm fairly sure its the norm to be more serious when watching serious stuff and more sarcastic or comedic when watching comedy etc. If anything it would be weird if they had the same attitude no matter what was on the screen. Social chameleons as Nut Kon mentioned and the sort of acting to appease the audience that Tim Kane brings up are similar but what is going on with SOS is not that. The kind of stuff being brought up in the comments is the sociopath stuff where they purposefully focusing on appeasing and gaining support from anyone and everyone, but considering how they have been open on numerous occasions about knowing they get stuff wrong and tend to rant on stuff shows they are aware that stuff doesn't earn the kind of attention said social chameleon and sociopath behavior would be trying to get and that also supports the whole bit of not trying to be the most analytical of reactors. If anything they are perfectly normal in not having exactly one personality or attitude and clearly acknowledge flaws and tendencies that support and don't support certain views something both the traits brought up would never do. You all are looking way to deep into what is at the end of the day pretty low brow entertainment of watching a show then talking about it, it sounds mean but its not meant that way. Also I don't think their schtick was ever about being more analytical than the rest just spending more time talking about it and theorizing than most do.