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Mommy Mirko


I mean even with the nomu talk we saw a little girl being tortured for overhaul's plan and a dog and a little girl and the parents of shigaraki getting cracked into blood soup bits on the ground and were fully visible... Also its pretty forgettable but we saw Magne (the magnet guy that was around for a very short amount of time) get blown to bloody pulp thanks to overhaul touching him with his quirk. As well as nighteye getting impaled with a large sharp rock. MHA gets dark. It isn't super dark but it gets dark even in the anime. The manga is definitely way darker though. Less censorship




Mirko best girl


I don't mind saying whatever pronoun someone wants to be called but I don't continuously think about something with little importance such as "pronouns" , especially when its a made up character in an anime that has no worth at all. Go back to twitter if you want someone to care about that type of shit

James Ancester

Some people seem to dedicate 90% of their brainpower to what's in other people's pants. Like there's nothing more to a human to them than their sexuality. For the record, I don't have anything against people that want to use other pronouns than what seems intuitive, but no one should constantly live in worry of misgendering a person/character just because there's a chance of hurt feelings. Sorry for the twitter-esque rant.

Imani Brooks

There was no need to be so hostile over a simple correction. It makes it seem like you do, in fact, give a shit.


It's literally a point in the show. Some people love to be so hard on "not giving a shit" that they end up straight up being incorrect when they otherwise wouldn't have been. Fancy that

XWF Outlaw

No, only your attitude. And factually wrong to boot. Take the L, brah.

Asher Dalbey

Just from reading the manga, I’ll tell you that in this moment Mirko gets her arm fully ripped off. That’s more than they could show considering the demographic this is meant for, which is why I think they avoided giving the audience a full view of her not arm


So me not giving a shit is the same as not getting annoyed about the correction that wasn't even necessary because it doesn't matter out of everything I said and the character is nonexistent? I said I don't give a shit meaning I don't give a shit about whether I am wrong about a "pronoun" or not. Of course I give a shit about the comment as a whole. It wasn't necessary out of the entirety of my original comment and it was pointless to point out. You people thinking hostile equals me replying to the comment in a way that isn't what a snowflake little soyboy would talk like. Also what am I "factually wrong" about? Huh? Please tell me. Is it a fact that I am wrong about a pronoun? I would love to know and then laugh about it because of how stupid that "fact" is. I refuse to be delusional and the constant "My pronoun is this or that" gets annoying.


In short I am annoyed that the comment came up out of the entire comment I made but I don't give a shit that I am "wrong" about the pronoun itself. The character being trans is a thing but I don't live in delusion and think about useless shit 24/7 so I am not going to constantly think about pronouns every time I type about something. Its obvious I am annoyed by it and give a shit about the comment itself or else I wouldn't reply.


This kind of casual transphobia really sucks. The person who corrected OP didn't get upset or angry, didn't say anything mean or harsh. People misgender accidentally all the time and its no big deal. But to see people doubling down and getting defensive really makes me feel unwelcome. These are the type of people I worry will hurt me if I try and correct someone on my pronouns.


Fun fact, one of the assistants who draws MHA uses Megan Thee Stallion as inspiration for Miriko

Alpha X-shroom

Wait really? This actually feels way worse to see than if its just ripped off. imagining all the pain from those twisted to hell nerves flopping around like a slinky is awful. Cencering dismemberment is technically less Gorey, but a hell of a lot more body horror.

Asher Dalbey

You make a good point. It kinda reminds me of the fate worse than death trope. Basically, children’s programs weren’t allowed to show characters dying, so the writers had to come up with something that is close enough to death to have the same effect. A lot of the time, the chose something that is far worse than if the character actually just died

_ scüp

Imagine being less understanding of other people than fuckkng Toga lmao

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

You are either a Man or a Women. Depending on which one you are born as, you are too be called either He/Him for Men and She/Her for Woman for your entire life. If you are born with a penis, you are a man. If you are born with a vagina you are a women. You do not get to change your pronouns, you do not get to change your gender, you do not get to change your sex. You're welcome too all the people in the replies here who seem to not understand the basic reality of the world.


There's some real toxic people in the comment section here, does anyone know how to block people on Patreon?


why is being anywhere close to inclusive and compassionate such a turn off for some people.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

we must be talking about different things, i can be inclusive and compassionate to confused people not by accepting their delusion but by having common human decency. doesnt change reality, boys are boys and girls are girls... we ALL know who is actually what.


I think next episode I recommend them seeing the Manga panel where all the heroes are rushing , there’s a cameo but only in the manga they will not expect