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Your comment on it "being christmas eve, not christmas day" got me thinking of christmas in Sweden, which is technichally not christmas at all, but a pagan holiday that conviniently fell on the 24th of december and was thus easy for the missionaries to 'convert.' As a result, though, christmas eve is actually the big day here, while christmas day is just kind of a "regular" day off.

Sonny C

You guys should do a reaction to these videos about details you may have missed in 86 https://youtu.be/dn1f0zKh7O8


I love how your words together is exactly how I was reacting to this last episode. Don't you dare to do this to us was the story of this last episode. For next season they really need to add more story to the Legion and it's inner workings as this season they almost only were mindless robots attacking humanity and that isn't long term interesting enemy. Yes they have added the brain harvesting, but that wasn't really fleshed out in the sense how the Legion operates. So expect more Legion inside workings to be revealed and we might see more of the 2 other human nations.

AlexXis Amadeus

Finally. Time for the show i've been waiting on.