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We've heard your cries, and we'll be releasing a short video on Patreon later this weekend with our decision regarding the reaction series for Season 2.

Please be civil in the comments, and know that we appreciate the feedback we've received thus far.

- Jacob and Caleb



Oh boy....


LMFAO, they’ve never dropped a reaction before. this adaptation is actually frightening levels of garbage


Don't feel pressured to drop it, if you guys are enjoying it, then that's all that matters. And I'm saying that as a manga reader that's disappointed with the adaptation


huh. Am I lucky I've never watched TPNL?


Definitely watch the 1st Season and pretend the 2nd one doesn't exist


Oh... That sound painfull


I knew this was coming. It was inevitable

Alba Zawa

I don't mind u guys continuing if u want to. I'm not a manga reader but i hear the author herself asked for these changes and for the arc skips. So altho everyone bitching I'm gonna continue. Heard the ending of the manga was mid anyway

Minashiro Soushi

Huh? WTF? Was watching this along with the bros and it's going great so far. I need to know the episode number where it gets so bad, that ya all can't take it.


Has that been confirmed that the author was involved in the changes? If so, source?


the season is massacred from the start. entire arcs are skipped, characters are omitted, and motivations are contorted.

Zeekutar The Immortal

I don't mind them watching season 2. If they do though, I hope they skip 5.5 it LITERALLY has NOTHING NEW in it. It's a clip show that only emphasizes how good season 1 was.


aw... This made my heart drop. lol


As someone who is anime-only, even I just dropped the show. The last episode honestly felt like I was being robbed of plot and being fed spoilers, basically. My suggestion (and what I think I’m gonna do for the rest of the season) is wait for it to finish airing and see what the consensus is once the alterations to the plot are given more context. But as it stands, I honestly am considering just switching to the manga. And I hate reading manga.


I haven't watched the series, but I don't know if I could drop it -- my desire to finish things once I've started would nag at me. If you guys are enjoying it, I'd say keep going...you can ways laugh/rant at it if it gets atrocious! ^^


I don't mind you guys watching this. I'd be good to see your analysis and reactions on a poor adaptation of a good manga.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

Elijah Leyden

I genuinely don't understand the hate for season 2. Obviously it crazy different and I get that frustration, but the anime on its own seems fine. Plus the author is helping with production and I've heard the manga ending was disappointing. I genuinely don't get the hate......


It's ultimately up to the bros. I've been watching as a disappointed manga reader and the reactions have been solid so far. I was really curious how they were gonna take the rest of the series.


Just because the ending was disappointing doesn't mean we should skip all the good parts in the adaptation though.... Doesn't matter if the mangaka is on board, if the change is worse than what it is changing, then it's not good


There were inconsistencies and the continuity just seemed messed up starting with ep 5 for me. This was before I learned they were skipping arcs. If it were just original material it would be one thing, but skipping arcs usually means skipping developments, motivations, and other key things. This is all stuff I want to see so I may just start reading the manga.

Zeekutar The Immortal

Yeah. Up to ep 3 everything was fairly on target. Yeah they cut out some of the details of the forest, but you still got the feel for the place. After this it's going to be: bros try to piece together what they see with what they think the next episode will bring, then try to reconcile their thoughts with the massive changes EACH new episode brings. you have to throw out all your assumptions and understanding EVERY episode. (so far at least)

Waifu Connoisseur

Don't worry bros. Promised Neverland: Orphanhood is in production as we speak


I don't know if the bros will see this comment, but I personally think although a lot of people have been complaining, it would still be interesting to see the bros' reaction to a show that isn't considered good by many people. Also as someone who is in a similar situation (started as anime only then found out it skipped stuff from the manga and seems pretty rushed), I don't think it's that bad although I'm still pretty disappointed because of what could have been.


As an anime only I'm still on episode 2 of the second season, was gonna catch up with the manga to where I'm at now and then pick one to continue with first. Eventually I'm gonna do both even if the anime is terrible. Which should I do first?

jin's scream in dionysus

this season has been hot garbage but honestly if you wanna continue or not that's up to you guys!

XWF Outlaw

While I agree that the manga stans have a legitimate grip on the changes to the anime, I still hope that the bros continue with the series at a later date. For example, start Beastars in 2 weeks (witch will be exactly the halfway point for TPN) then pick back up after Beastars is done. Maybe at that point the fervor will have died down and that the bro can wrap up TPN's remaining episodes. They seem to be enjoying themselves watching despite the hate. But again, it's all up to the Bros. That's my 2 cents, at least.


I'd go with the manga first, starting with episode 3 you are going to get spoilers for reveals and events that happen way later in the manga.


Replace it with dr stone or slime or something. They have been great so far.


No I want dr stone or slime. They can throw this series away for all I care.

Malin Stigeberg

I don't care either way but my heart is beating like I'm the one having to decide 😅


My hopes for this video are that they listen to our thoughts on the matter but still follow their best judgment and make their final decision with both respect for us and confidence in their choice.


Why can’t we just let people enjoy things? Anime only here, and though there were a couple plot points that seemed to have gone nowhere, I’m still thoroughly enjoying the show. I feel like it’s worth watching and reacting to, just keep in mind it has its flaws 🤷‍♀️


I still hold my hopes up that it'll be good. It isn't finished yet, so I don't know if speedrunning the manga content was a calculated decision or not.

El Chupacabra06

I'm down with however they choose to proceed further, but as an anime-only, I do think that the manga dudes are blowing things out of proportion a bit and tons of people are bandwagoning on it, but yeah I can understand some of the major complaints if it's not up to what they were expecting. Maybe I'm just desensitized to "bad anime" but I still find the show interesting, I like the core characters and still curious how they'll end the story. I do agree that it is a step down from the first season but I have no reason to hate the show or anything if I still find it entertaining.


I realy hope they at least do manga streams some time after all this stuff has passed


They're already watching a show that's bad though, so a mediocre show like season 2 of promised neverland would be just that.. mediocre.


Id rather sticking with something all the way through. If it's something they end up finding a lot of flaws with and not liking it,that'd be pretty interesting. There's no rule that says they have to love everything they watch and there's just as much value in watching something bad as something good. The only reason I think for them to stop is if they really dont get anything out of the show and its just a pain for them.


Basically, I agree with most others. It's no fun watching someone struggle through a show, but they shouldn't feel forced to stop if they don't want to. Coming from someone who dropped Yakusoku no Neverland 2 at around Episode 4.


Omg I want them to watch Beastars s2 more too but I didn't expect this

Fay Helleime

Yeah I feel a bit like a jerk but honestly just do what you guys want and everyone be civil please. I will just wait like an excited deku for Beastars S2.


I kind of do hope they will continue this series, as it would be interesting to see their personal thoughts on the season so far. But if they do decide to drop it, I hope their reasoning isn't just that "manga readers are disappointed in the changes and complaining," Which, based on what they said in the first two videos, they were made aware of the fact that the manga changed things, and that people were disappointed. That kind of downplays the issue with this season, as it makes is sound like just an entitled bunch of manga fans complaining, when it's more then just that, and even a lot anime only fans have been disappointed with pacing plot and characterization this season. So I hope whoever informed them about the complaints of this season, didn't reduce it to just "people are mad it's different from the manga."

Thelmus Celetius

Manga reader here, just wanted to say only reason us manga readers have been upset is because they skipped 4 arcs, erased 2 characters out of existence, and just speed running straight to the finale. Emma's argument to save the demons was reasonable when you added in the other arcs (heck there was an entire arc where she was a badass and basically she was the main vocal). Also other bunch of stuff, such as norman being alive wasn't as immediate as 5 episodes after his 'death', his death was left for around 200 chapters before they brought him back (basically if we had our 4 arcs, he would have been revealed in season 4-5), they go missed out an entire plot point which actually allows Emma to come up with a plan to save the demons instead of her just looking like a selfish empathiser that doesn't want to commit genocide :/ and in those 4 arcs, we see her view of how the demons ain't all bad, and that sometimes the humans are even worse then the demons themselves. Sorry for the spiel but I just didn't want you to have the impression that us manga readers are just being whiners (like the attack on titan folks complaining about the cgi 🙄 even though its great especially when you compare it to ex-arms)

Thelmus Celetius

Im still pushing myself to see how it ends as a manga reader but man is it depressing. At the start of the season TPN was one of the first I loved to hop on like jujutsu kaisen and dr stone, now I'm always dreading watching the next episode because I know that even though I have low expectations, it will still hurt :(


It was confirmed on discord that their editor informed them that there were "substantial changes" a while back (without going into detail) and that didn't change anything. So I'd assume that at this point they've been made aware of how severe the situation is.


I am beyond relieved to hear this.

Minashiro Soushi

So, I went ahead and caught up with the rest of the show. Yes, the pace isn't great. Ep. 4 attack was very weak as a whole and the reunion part had way less impact, than it should've been. I can say with the utmost certainty that second season is worse that the first one, objectively so. But you guys... how should I put it... aren't your standards a bit too high? Woodsie89 said in a different thread "it's a low 7" and this made me chuckle out loud - you all probably haven't watched genuine 5s or 4s and forgot, that 7 is actually "good" and even 6 is "fine". Right now this show is between 6 and 7 for me. Don't get me wrong, I would've preferred it to be a "10 out of 10 masterpiece", like the first season was (my subjective score, don't @ me), but stuff like this comes once or twice a year. Beggars can't be choosers, at least there's something. The show is not "bad" and it's light-years from being "droppable" material, bros have reacted to worse in the past. Most of the backlash is coming from manga readers and people with overly high expectations. Which is understandable, but I would like to see the rest of the reactions and it would set a really ugly precedent to drop something not because the bros themselves disliked the show, but because of the third-party "opinions" on it.


Thanks for that essay you wrote. I am sure it means something..... to people that read all of it.

Christian Gomez

As an anime only I will say that I stopped watching the season after that episode 4 that was so bad I thought it was a joke, I mean a year passed and nothing happened? they didn't even grew up a bit, why send a human team if the monsters were superior in every way? one thing is to cut content, but the people seeing it should not be able to notice it if you don't know the original source.


I don't think it's bad, I think you're just missing out on a lot. I think it would be awesome if you read the manga at least up till that point. A lot of amazing characters and world building and explanation get cut out sadly


Ah sorry you guys have to deal with this, none of it is your fault obviously. I personally haven't read the manga or seen up until where it apparently goes to shit so I don't have much to add. Hope everyone will be satisfied with the change though


for me personally there are two ways I judge anime only storylines: The Tokyo Ghoul standard and the Soul Eater standard, TG obviously being it changes so much with little to no redeeming value and then there's the Soul Eater Standard where it goes down a path divergent from the source material but still has some entertaining elements, PN S2 kinda falls a touch more in the latter category for me


I think the best solution moving forward is to continue with TPN and start on the 2nd place anime (which is Beastars if not mistaken) on the same day slot. Duo reactions. This way, Beastars fans can be hyped their series is starting, the TPN haters can drop this and move on and the TPN anime viewers can continue with this series. Its a win-win-win scenario in my opinion.


That is actually a really good idea. Totally depends on if the bros want to do 2 reactions on Saturday but I agree that it is a win-win.


It's not that bad actually... I am a manga reader and I am still watching.. I mean it's no Tokyo Ghoul re:


If anything the fair thing to do is to redo the poll with all 3 anime (TPN, Beastars and Dr stone) So people who regret voting for TPN also have also have the chance to revote for the other 2


I guess I'll just throw a short little opinion in here. I'm an avid fan of the promised neverland manga, I've read it cover to cover like 3 times and have gone back for certain chapters specifically many times. I hate that they skipped so much good content. However, I don't think that should stop you guys from watching the show. Even if that means you'd be experiencing an inferior version of the story. My hope is that this will become an FMA FMAB situation( Even if the situations of adaptation are different.) where we can mostly appreciate both stories, even if one is far better overall. I think this show will still be an interesting watch for both you bros and all of us provided we don't get too hung up on the obvious.

Ai Kyuu

I see ZERO reasons why anime-only shouldn't watch anything they like. If you don't like something then simply don't watch it, especially if something makes your butt hurt.


Danm... hope you are not dropping the anime. I know manga readers are pissed off, but as an anime only I'm enjoying the show (not perfect but still, I like it). Too bad we are in a world where some do not let others enjoy something even if it's different from the source material.


God, I hate these pretentious replies that act as if everyone that dislike the series is a disappointed manga fan. Plenty of anime onlys were massively disappointed by season 2. How about you practice what you preach and let people dislike what they want without trying to invalidate them.


as a manga reader i was upset at how this season progressed but i also realize just because I dont like the anime, that others may like it. please keep doing your reactions for promised neverland. those who have read the manga and are upset need to take a step back this is their platform and they should be able to do what they want. they have tons of other anime we can watch their reactions to. please be nice and kind everyone


The worst is when they try to say that the anime only fans who dislike it, are just jumping on the bandwagon of the manga readers.


If nothing else, at least this whole debacle was an entertaining first for the channel. It sucks that it got Tokyo Ghouled, but fortunately, that situation is rare enough that TG is the only real comparison, so I doubt—fingers crossed—something like this will happen again any time soon


Okay... you didn't understand what I was saying (or I didn't make myself clear). So, what I was sayinh was : let them think by themselft and have their own opinion. I'm upset that they are influence by other people. They are smart enougth to see when and where there is a proble. What is wrong if they want to react to this ? if they want to react to crappy thing or good thing, let them do it. You don't have to watch it. Are you against what I'm saying now ? Are you against people thinking by themself ? Because I'm not and I'm sad that there are people that don't let them do this.


Tokyo Ghoul adaptation of the re: story was so bad that it took a beloved story and turned it into a lifeless faithful recap summary of manga instead of an actual anime. It actually hurts on the physical, mental and emotional level because the story is really quite good. Thinking about it does elicit trauma and pain..


Do as you like, I won't be watching season 2 before reading the manga because I now know from others that the show skips a lot. It's kinda liked tokyo ghoul's first season, then I heard about how much it skipped and decided to read the manga. Now I think season 1 is okey but everything past that is bad.


Whiny internet children back at it again~






I'd say, if you're an anime-only, continue to watch TPN if it's still enjoyable. As a manga-reader, like many others, watching the season has been disappointing.

Jackie D.

Whether they continue watching the anime adaptation or not, I REALLY hope they read and react to the manga at some point.

Friendly Neighborhood Totally Not Creepy Old Man

If your argument is about their experience with the show, then you do realize that they can watch this show during their free time right? Nobody is making them not watch this, they would just prefer if this didn't go up on the channel and take up a free slot