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SOS Bros React - Rakugo Season 2 Episode 8 - Ploys and Interruptions!

REACTION LINK HERE: https://vimeo.com/394588316/302f74d8eb We'll be watching this every Friday until we're all caught up! What did you think of the episode? ...



They haven't noticed the record of Miyokichi changed yet, huh? 😂 These reactions are great though. They make my Friday. Keep it up. 👍🏻

Victor Vilela

Honestly, Seeing Yakumo age through Season 1 - 2. Slowly get taller, grow sharper, get grey hair, then white hair, then more lines on his face, with his voice growing softer and more croaking. This stuff really gets to me. It honestly feels like we grew with him and know him personally. And THIS is what makes me and definitely Caleb cry.