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The Warner JoBros released the YouTube version, and it's available to view now!


SOS Bros React - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Episode 17 - Di Molto!

We'll be watching this show every Saturday until we've caught up! Buy Jacob's sci-fi novel Battle Lines here: https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Lines-Jacob-I-Wol...



Finally got the vimeo redirect going! DI MOLTO! The YouTube version will be used once the auto claim is removed by the Warner JoBros.


Di Moorrruto!

Jermaine Tito

something i love about this fight is how araki once again demonstrates that he thinks about superpowers from a different angle than most writers. on the surface you might have expected The Grateful Dead to be seen as the opposite of giorno's power, since it's the power of life vs the power of death. however instead we focus on the specific mechanics of the power and their effect: object into life, life into object. its so much more interesting than much simpler contrasts you often see which gloss over the actual "feel" of the ability versus its "theme".

Jermaine Tito

hey, this is a message to the editor/any mods that might be reading these posts for the bros: would you be open to the suggestion of getting them to watch this recap that aired on japanese tv directly before the final two episodes (38+39)? -warning, spoilers in link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbnmBvrYkf0 -warning, spoilers in link- it's a pretty epic way to go into watching those episodes, set to "O Fortuna" so it's something that would be difficult to get copyright struck for and could maybe be its own mini-video before the final two reactions proper? I personally would have loved to have been introed using it when i saw the episodes for myself :P


i thought trish had dino powers as well when i first saw the last episode😂


This was mentioned in the manga via character/stand profiles which are missing in the anime. Babyface, or rather it's "son" possesses a corporeal body. It can be perceived by non stand users and take damage from non-stands.