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SOS Bros React - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Episode 11 - Spider? Burn Everything!


Charles Sgnt

This thumbnail :D We all expected this. Poor Caleb.


I liked Jacobs expression of disgust and disdain when Caleb wanted him to sing a long to "Freak'n You"

Kay Bee Baby

So many good guesses... this is gonna be so much fun to watch.

Jermaine Tito

oh wow I didn't realize how intense arachnophobia can be. I just thought 'oh that's kinda creepy and gross' but they went into full on fight or flight mode there. i guess it makes sense since its a common fear but i kinda just forgot that some people react that way. Also fuck, the logic about what the villain's power should be considering Giorno's personality and powers is definitely on the right track, though they're missing an obvious possibility: overcoming a figure that is similar in a lot of ways to his father. But as for the ability itself, I don't think it's possible to guess what the bosses' power is until that moment when it's revealed. It's just too fucked up of a concept to anticipate