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SOS Bros React - The Promised Neverland Season 1 Episode 2 -

We'll be watching this every Sunday until we're finished! What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/semblanceofsanity_YT Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



No worries about such as plot conveniences and such like mentioned. The writer goes pretty deep into having explanations even for some of the most irrelevant things. I'm not so sure if all of it is included in the anime, but most definitely very present in the manga.


The spelling suggests the word for Crown.


Getting into season 3 talk in the discussion lol


let them watch NEARLY ON RED (youtubechannel). His explanations are great


Krone is german and, like you said, means crown

John FD Lobrano

Yeah, Ray SURE got the gist of the whole demon situation REALLY quickly. He is SUCH a smarty-smart-smart. It was almost like he knew from the START. ;D

Cleo Leef

I mean, Mom did check Emma's heartbeat while she was talking with her. they point that out in the manga. re-watching this after reading the latest chapter in the manga feels very nostalgic (and a good breather from what happens/happened)

Sen Ogino

Delete this. Even if the bros don't read the comments (because of people like you), there are plenty of people who watch along with the bros who could accidentally read this. It's not even easy to gloss over with the amount of space you put in between. You're ruining it for everyone.


Agreed but that’s what makes this adaptation so great, because it’s not a direct 1:1 of the manga. Even though we don’t have internal monologues, we still know Mom is perceptive. They changed it instead of checking her pulse, she was caressing her left cheek and ear which is nice foreshadowing for some character interactions in future episodes. It’s brilliant that they changed the action but it gave more symbolic weight when they watch later episodes.


I think them being “demons” is more a reference to the game of tag then them being what we associate with demons colloquially. Tag is called “onigokko” in Japanese and the tagger is called the “oni” which is Japanese for demon. It’s fits the motif of the kids planning their escape like they would during a game of tag.

Cleo Leef

@jet I’m on the fence with the adaptation. I think it looks good and as a stand alone for anime watchers it’s great it’s just that some of the things they added/cut made me a little peeved but it didn’t feel like it ruined the flow or anything so idk. Maybe I just wish they spoon fed anime watchers as much as they did for manga readers I guess lmao since little details like the pulse get whooshed through people’s brains unless you got that 2000 IQ. You make a good point about symbolism/foreshadowing


The episode titles are dates, not numbers on kids. It always ends in 45 because of the year 2045.


Caleb and Jakob would do great in-universe with the amount of things they can extrapolate. Like the reveal of demon society, they totally called that last episode


Yeah you even get a bit of Moma's thoughts in the manga which i was disappointed they didn't do in the anime.


I 100% agree i also think they could have handled some scenes better such as when Norman was walking down the hallway it was obvious something was about to happen as otherwise they wouldn't have used that shot. Whereas in the manga it was sudden and caught you off guard with her suddenly being there. Things like that pissed me off and there being no inner dialogue at all make it a good but not great adaptation.

Kevaughn Hunter

I didn’t think the pulse sense was whoosed through. It seemed clear she was holding where the pulse would be. In forums enough people seemed aware of that as well. Otherwise her hand placement would be odd. If anything I think people aren’t always used to details like that coming from anime/manga which is a medium that normally lacks subtlety. Normally things are shouted at the audience and very obvious so if the audience expects that same kind of storytelling they might miss things that are still pretty clear.


No, I get that and as a fan of a piece of art, I can see changing being upsetting. I think though, considering they were only given 12 episodes to tell a story that covered 37 chapters, I believe that’s a great achievement. Adaptations need to stand on their own but I think it’s great that it doesn’t take the place of the manga. They’re supplemental pieces that fill each other out (more manga than anime). Internal monologues are fine and a necessary tool for manga but anime doesn’t need it and I found it commendable the staff tried to show us rather than tell us. People have given this show Death Note comparisons (partially due to the internal monologues) but I think it fits Death Note better. While we get into the minds of characters other than Light & L, especially in the earlier episodes, they’re just one off characters whom Light kills at the end of the run time. I’m not gonna dive further in case there’s anyone coming in fresh but this show features multiple characters with different levels of involvement and a variety of allegiances/interests. Me personally I’d feel the pace bogged down if we crammed so much internal thought into the show while revealing their hands. It’s like watching poker and knowing what every player is holding and knowing who is bluffing and who isn’t. As opposed to not being privvy to that information and being forced to figure it out or let the tension persist.


@TheStruggler I understand that and tbh that’s a part that frustrated me as well. I still think the panel of Mom approaching Emma is the best single page in the series. But I think again it has to deal with the medium and the strengths/weaknesses of them. It’s why Junji Ito’s works are so fantastic but the anime flopped, a reader can control the flow of the story through the page turn, the anime can’t do that. The anime can’t leave the page blank like they did in the manga to make Mom’s stare even more imposing. I also think the staff of the show is trying to shy away from conventional horror tropes like jump scares when this is more of a “thriller”. While it kills the shock value by following Norman, it builds that tension for a split second. It’s the whole Hitchcock principle of the Bomb under the table. Prompt the audience with audio/visual clues to build up suspense. I’m not saying my view is right, rather having seen the series as a whole I think everyone tried to make the best adaptation possible within their vision. I’m trying to understand why they made the changes instead of just being disappointed. @Kevaughn Hunter, I can see that, I went back and watched the scene again. It seems Mom’s hand is resting on her cheek in front of Emma’s left ear with two fingers behind her ear and two fingers hanging near her neck. What I meant is that the focus of the whole shot is Mom caressing around Emma’s left ear, while you could infer she’s also checking her pulse, knowing that we get a reveal about the kid’s left ears in the next episode, that’s clear foreshadowing. Whoever storyboarded this scene wanted viewers to focus on the ear. Which imo is just another form of Mom collecting information like she would if she was taking her pulse. The show does a really good job of taking loving gestures a mother would do to her kids and making them appear sinister considering the context of the show.


It takes a while to figure that out, especially since us Americans don't usually see dates written that way.

Jake Thompson

But they show a calendar nearly every episode so eventually you're gonna notice.


I think it took me about 2 or 3 episodes to figure it out, but yeah, eventually you do catch on.