Discord Factions (Patreon)
What are these for?
1. To offer different member role colors.
2. To prepare for Discord events, with rewards scaling based on faction's participation.
3. Faction specific channels!
4. Ridiculous random fun!
Which factions can I choose between?
1. Waifu Warriors (Pink)
2. Shounen Junkies (Green)
3. Antagonist Ascendancy (Purple)
4. League of Lolis (Cyan/Light Blue)
How do I get a faction?
1. Have a Discord account synced with your Patreon account.
2. DM a moderator/Admin with your desired faction, and they will update your role.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Choosing a faction is permanent, if you're not sure about which one to join, ask fellow Discord members in the Sanity Central channel.
If you have specific questions about the factions in general, or something specific like the Discord events, let us know in the comments!