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I've just been overthinking a lot lately.

I've doodle  a lot of nsfw art that looks kinda like this. Just in the moment with little care for how the hypothetical final product will look. Short bursts that are discarded later.

I don't know how much other people would like them cause I haven't really given them a shot.

Also it's not like they'll pave the way to a fulfilling full-time job down the line. 

Just do it cause it feels nice. I ended up a character. (well sorta, I'm sure I drawn this woman as a different character in another story) who's literally just as shallow as that.




You had fun with these, and even if they're just doodles, you've drawn something, you've made a character. I think it's good seeing what your process is, I think it's very interesting to watch and learn from


For that first one 002, I saw how you put that traffic light structure there all smooth like. Just that "this goes here" brush stroke with such finesse and adept aplomb. I smile when I see you on a roll laying down lines and curves and that just made me giddy to see. Please know that I enjoyed seeing these all, and enjoyed seeing what else you have created.