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I'll be deleting this upload and reposting the video as soon as I wake up really. Hoping around 1 or 2 pm


Ready Player Two (the book) is Also Terrible


Akira Satoh

Slowly starting to look like Max Bruch


So basically the so called protagonist has now raised the price of their console to the cost of enslaving your soul for all eternity. He was talking about buying the rights to dead actors and recasting them digitally earlier in the book, so clearly he's not above throwing some corporate fun-bucks at the kin of people who have once used their consoles in exchange for enslaving their digital souls for all eternity. Oh that idea? Our lord and savior Parzival came up with that by "paying" the soul of a long dead engineer to create it for him. He worked so hard for his wealth. Praise be to Parzival! Someone get the Black Mirror guy on the phone, have him rewrite the screenplay for Ready Player Two: The Movie into the Black Mirror-esque Ayn Rand loving digital corporate hellscape it deserves to be, and truly transcend this franchise.


The reveal of the line “Ready Player Two” in the novel (when Wade puts the brain jacking headset on for the first time) is a nod to the reveal: player two is the brain copy upload of player one. By the end I personally interpreted the nature of the question “Ready Player Two?” as a sneaky overreaching video game conglomerate (peddling opium for the masses) asking for consent to the upload without informing the user what they’re consenting to. Maybe I’m giving Cline too much credit, but I thought it was a nice touch. Also if he titled it “Ready Player One 2” it would be like “Now You See It 2” all over... (the second should have just went with “Now You Don’t”! I mean, COME ON?!)