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hey, here's a script for a Watchmen script I wrote! Tell me what you think!!

I'll need to record this soonish in order to stay on schedule.


How to Ruin Watchmen (with a sequel)

Watchmen, is, without a doubt, one of the most influential comics to ever be published, so long-lasting and iconic that it's still remembered and heavily debated more than 30 years after its publication. And in the modern age of Superhero media, success can only bring one thing: a franchise. ...


Jeremy Impson

God imagine wanting to watch a discussion of Watchmen but not wanting poltics in it. Oh wait that's how we got some of the later franchise works.

Rebecca Richards

Man... I still remember way back in the day, before the Watchmen movie came out and before we had a better grasp of Snyder as a person... being just awed that he was able to film a movie that had been declared unfilmable by directors far better than he. I didn't quite grasp why that was a bad sign X(