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I’m sorry everyone! I don’t know what’s going on. It would make more sense if no one could get access :/ please tell me specifically what your issue is. Can you not get access at all? Can you get access but can’t see anything? It would also help me if you told me what country you’re based in and if you’re on pc, Android or IOS

I will continue to look into this. If this issue persists in the coming weeks, I would recommend switching over to subscribestar.adult/manaomega where I post direct to the webpage



To access folder and updates of comics, you need to go the dropbox of ManaOmega. Their's a link when you check your subscription tab.

Mika W

I never had trouble. The only thing is remembering the Password, but most of the time i do. :-)

Mika W

I never noticed that. I always get the Password from the discord channel. Thanks


I have a problem looking at it on my phone (android) but not on PC


I only view your art on discord and that works great


The back catalogue? I thought all your art was post into your discord sever?


Oh god. I hope this isn’t the case for a lot of people 😳 if u can get on the folder. There like 150 pages of back catalogue


I can only access the Dropbox on PC, not android.


I thought you meant there was new stuff not being put in the discord, I’ve used the drop box before for the older pages


I mostly use android to read but it doesn't work on my android, only pc.


Could you try your android now please. I made a change and was wondering if it had any effect.


I can access dropbox link through browser but it isn't visible in android app

Atom S.

The dropbox link and current password work well for me. I wonder if it may be better for others if you just always added the dropbox hyperlink of any specific folder whenever you post a new page. Or if you created a main post for every ongoing comic with a Dropbox link to the specific folder it resides in. Then whenever you post a new page on Patreon you include a link to that main post with all the info and staying how many pages are currently released? For example a post that's like (NAME) The Farm (IMAGE) Cover for Story (TIER) Tier 1 ~~ hyperlink to Dropbox folder. ~~ Current Page X of Y Then for single page updates something like (NAME) The Farm Page X of Y ~~ hyperlink to main Patreon page ~~ Since people can only see posts for the tiers they belong to this format could keep things centralized. Just an idea that I know other artists on Patreon tend to follow. This may also help for people that don't wanna constantly go digging into message historys for the link or for people using discord instead.