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No, soz I mean rewards?! Prisoners get rewards, right?!

Some of you may be aware already, but I've been planning to change my subscription rewards for a bit now, and this month I've been figuring out how to structure it exactly.

These changes will take place starting October!

I've tried to simplify the rewards and system a lot so it's both easier for me to manage and you to understand what to expect from me. It was all getting a bit too cluttered and starting to cause some chaos to my schedule, I was having trouble keeping up with everything and starting to regularly run late on many things. It wasn't ideal.

The biggest change that will be happening is the introduction of Collections

Instead of standalone exclusives each month, I'm going to work on short collections of filthy pics across several months, and probably I'll be working on more than one at a time.
$10+ subscribers will get to vote on what each pic will be about. We're going to build these stories together :)

During production of these series, they will remain entirely exclusive to Subscribers. Once they're complete and ready to go, I'll release a gumroad PDF with everything compiled together, and many (but not all) of the pics will be released to the public, at which time I'll begin another collection.

$20+ subscribers will get influence over the collections and polls, but that will be based on what's happening in the story, so this will be down to discussions on chat or Discord

Unfortunately for now I'm removing the Sketch reward, as I was becoming too overwhelmed keeping up with so many different things, and I don't think it's fair to offer a reward that I can't be consistent with. I'll be open to reintroducing it further down the line if this new system goes well, and I'm considering a higher tier (with limited slots) with the sketch reward or an upgraded version.

This is your final chance to give me any feedback you might have about these upcoming changes before the cells are locked at the start of October. I'm excited about these new changes and I can't wait to get started with you! <3

Sweet Dreams x



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