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I don’t make time to run errands. They’re overwhelming and never-ending. So I avoid them altogether... But the longer I put them off, the more they pile up. And the more they pile up, the more intimidating they become.




I feel seen - so many of these outstanding errands are my own.


It always feels so overwhelming. On top of the daily stuff you're just expected to do.


I feel so much less alone in my struggle! Thank you, Dani.


Check, check, check, check, check, check....I feel so seen! Also, "that's called being an adult" is an especially painful criticism my brain took from my father and now flings at myself. :-/ I feel so less alone because of your work, Dani. Thank you.


I run errands outdoors.. i like the air and the distraction. chores, on the other hand....


One thing I like about having 3 days off is I do tend to dedicate a whole third day on errands. I still never seem to get them all done though :(