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Constant paranoia that others are judging you is not restricted to introverts (although it does seem to be more common). I have been described as a “people person,” am easy to get along with, and I am pretty comfortable with small talk in low-stress environments. However, my obsession with people-pleasing, chronic worry everyone is mad at me, and anxiety about being judged all stem from the same place— low self-esteem and an incredibly critical inner voice. If I’ve been right about my suspicions once before, confirmation bias tries to convince my brain I’m always right, and the paranoia spirals out of control quickly.

There are a million other thoughts I wish I could fit on here (deep hatred of making appointments over the phone, avoiding eye contact when nervous, apologizing for existing or taking up space, and so many more). I’ve found out recently that social anxiety disorder (SAD) often goes hand-in-hand with ADHD, with comorbidity estimates as high as 40%. The more I learn about ADHD, the more I realize how much it affects nearly all of the thoughts I have on a daily basis.




you've definitely nailed my inner voice. as always, thank u for making me feel less alone! 💜


Definitely been there. I'm pretty socially able (I've run conferences and stuff) but social anxiety and imposter syndrome are a poor mixture. I've probably been ADHD all my life, but I'm old enough that people just said I "had a butterfly mind" and expected I'd "grow out of it." Your description of pet aversions is ringing many bells, and (objectively) I'm a professional engineer with a lifetime of respectable achievement behind me. Isn't life strange? Thanks for working on this so publicly.


It's always the goddamned shoes, isn't it...


And once again, you've hit the nail on the head with these. I haven't had all of them, but most, and that was more than enough. When you do the sequel to this chart, may I suggest the "Launching into the 10-minute funny/dramatic anecdote that people don't react to the way you thought they would?" That was one of my pre-Wellbutrin skills :)