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Super late reward everyone! I like to prove can play catch up and make sure you guys get your rewards even if it takes months!

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I hope you all enjoy this little comic pinup of Veronica Lodge aka Fudge from Riverdale applying to be a cheerleader and the local girls not taking kindly to her enormous gluttonous body clearly the result of extreme wealth and uncaring decadence.

  • A Short Story to accompany the Comic above.

Veronica Lodge peaks through the doors entering into the gymnasium of her new school. She can see all the other girls in their yellow and white jerseys and short shorts. What made for a uniform for cheerleading looked stunning on them. Veronica thought the same for her own version of that outfit but it looked vastly different.

Ms. Lodge weighed over 560lbs. She had struggled with her weight after her father had been sent to prison and her lifestyle had changed from slim perfect popular girl in school to the depressed, low self esteemed binge eating loner fat girl in New York. She had moved school to Riverdale and pressured by her loving Mother went to try outs for the River Vixens Cheerleading squad.

Slowly pushing open the door and turning sideways so her enormous 4 foot wide butt could squeeze through the young Latino beauty waddles into the room to an echoing silence as the other young women notice the half tonne teenager walk in. Her double belly slapping on her round thighs as her tiny shorts strain to hold the moving momentum of her body. Her shirt has already risen up. Veronica folds her arms to try and keep it down over her stretch marks.

She could hear the girls whispering and laughing now.

"Wow, is that Veronica Lodge?"

"She's so fat! I feel so bad for her!"

"Gawd, I hope I don't have to be seen next to that whale."

"You wouldn't have any room to get around her in the corridor Nadine! Lol."

"Let's call her Veronica Fudge!"

The tirade of insults continue, building in volume and giggles to almost outright laughter.

Light brown skin turning a shade of red as she blushes from embarrassment young Lodge states she wants to join the team and is here for tryouts. A Lodge never gives up.

The gorgeous skinny alabaster skinned red head known as Cheryl turns to Veronica with hands on narrow hips and says, "You want to join the Vixens! We only have one opening and you need at least 5 spaces to fill to get on this team Fudge!"

Laughter echoes around the hall.

Veronica does the only think she can and closes her eyes. Remembers from when she was a Cheerleader in her old school and begins her routine.

Rolls of flabby fat slap and spin counter to the direction of Veronica as she spins and her painfully heavy gut and ass catch up when she spinning. Ignoring the awkward feeling of her thighs rubbing and chaffing off each other she hunches down over her wide double rolls of belly to begin a split when she hears the sound of ripping fabric.

"Pay up girls! I called it, I knew that huge fat ass would rip those shorts!"

Veronica defeated thumps back to a sitting position with her fat cushioning around her and sticking to the gleaming varnished wooden floor of the gymnasium. Holding the shreds of her black shorts around her overflowing ass and covering her face with her hair Veronica beings to cry.

The cheerleaders gather and feel their bullying work for the day is done and slowly walk away. Not wanting to be a part of the shameful display of emotion.

"I thought that was a beautiful spin you performed."

"Go away!" says Veronica in a huff wiping away her tears and looking up.

She sees a young girl her own age and curvy and beautiful in the Vixen colors smiling down at her. Her smile framed by bounds of golden curls and highlighted by large blue eyes. Veronica has never seen such purity in a person before.

"I'm Betty by the way. Lets get you back to the ladies changing room. I think I have some large sweat pants you can borrow."

The two friends leave the gymnasium watched by the amazed eyes of Archie Andrews and Jughead Jones. Both cant believe the amazing site of the fat girl and Betty realizing that they are both confirmed fat appreciators.

The End.

An Original Short Story by Aloysius Reed.




I also can't wait for her to rip those shorts, random mean girl.


Love the drawing and the story.


Your vary welcome Tori! I'm exited to do some more actually because the response has been so positive!