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  • JainaTyrande1_nopreg.webm
  • JainaTyrande1.webm



During the events of the Fourth War, both Jaina and Tyrande spent considerable time deployed in Boralus. It didn't take long for the long days of planning and training to start taking their toll. When one had a particularly difficult day, the other would invite them over for some wine in private to decompress.

One night, when the wine flowed a little too well, Jaina decided to share some lesser known customs of Kul Tiras with Tyrande. What started with "I don't believe you, show me" eventually became a consistent bonding experience between the two that would last for months...


Hello patrons! Here is the animation for the February poll featuring Jaina and Tyrande with some Kul Tirans. It begins with a normal sex scene and climax for each, followed by a pregnant aftermath scene. The full version of this animation is attached to this post, along with a version that excludes the pregnant aftermath for those who aren't into that. The individual angles can be found in the archive.

Up next, we have the next bimonthly animation survey on April 1st where All-access and VIP patrons can submit one idea each. While we conduct that vote next month, I will also be working on projects of my own choosing. I haven't decided what I'll be working on just yet, but it will likely be two smaller projects instead of one big project like this month. Stay tuned!




great work, my fav one since the yrel one


Awesome job as always. As a newbie, I gotta know, where are the archives usually?