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You have seen some of these steps, but in the end I think it will be nice to see the whole process 

When doing details I gave a try the different technique and painted everything in black and white. That step looked really nice and I was full of hope... but afterwards I added colors was not as intuitive as I expected it to be >_> and in the end coloring took me way longer than just using colors from the beginning. Maybe I need more practice, but I guess I won't try that any time soon again, I like my old trusted method of painting :)




The black and white step does look very nice but I can understand sticking to what works too. It is important to try new things but there's an expression we have here in the south, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." cx


and we have a saying 'better is an enemy of good' :D but also there would be a lot of saying about trying new things and expanding horizons hehe. It was a good learning piece, for sure