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I have some troubles this month because polish teachers began a nationwide strike so I have to stay with my kids at home and be full time mom, not much time for painting left :( I hope the situation will end quickly.

So here are the characters. One is my pick, one is my friends pick and two are randomly generated. The choice is fair, some dragons, some fluffies, I do not envy you making the fi8nal choice lol :D

In some time I'll be happy to do this special patreon pinup again in few months, but I will do a poll asking about it, so you'll be prepared.



This should be interesting to see who wins in the end :D


Dragonesses for the win!!!! little sad my Opal didn't make the cut, but hey, these are some amazing characters!!


Tia for me. Not surprised my guy was not picked cause he is a guy. ;D hehe


Haha, I'm surprised I got any votes at all. I'll consider that a win in itself x'3


Yeah, join the club, Tia :D I didn't expect my character to get any votes either, if I'm honest... Let alone 9 votes lol


All characters deser5ve votes, even the ones not picked! <3 D: BTW I would like to let you know, that voting ends this Monday!


Thank you for voting guys, officially Cornelia won the poll, I'll do some sketching of her asap, so stay tuned!