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In last days I was pretty busy finishing the avatar for the EarthRangers app, I made a lot of clothing, accessories and random wereable items :) It was pretty tough work, but I like the result. Never drew so much shoes at one day in my life ;D

I thought I may share some sneak peek with you, some hairstyles and a little eyelashes to turn the avatar into boy or girl (I'm working on one base for both genders. It is a little troublesome and I'd prefer to do two separate bases and sets of clothes for both genders. But I understand the financial reasons behind that decision, so no more whining about that. It looks pretty cool anyway)

PS: do you think that such completed set of clothing could work as a base to be sold on FA? Kinda like the lineart bases... but with the fully painted pieces of lingerie, shirts, pants etc all customizable in different colors? I've never seen anything like that before.




Sounds like fun idea. Hope that goes well for you, should you try!


Trik z rzęsami działa, zdecydowanie da się odróżnić, który to chłopiec, a który to dziewczynka. :D No i taki unisex dla postaci to dobry ruch, pozwala na sporą dowolność tworzenia, każdy może się poczuć reprezentowany w razie czego. <3 I ta niebieska koszula. Nosiłabym. xD


The fact that you've actually been commissioned to design characters for an app, and one with the concept such as Earth Rangers... I cannot tell you how thrilled I am for you...!


Thank you <3 I am also very happy about this cooperation :) Too bad the app is almost done... yet I was told they may need some more arts in the future


taka unisex baza ma wiele zalet :)- cały estaw ubran i akcesoriów bez problemu pasuje dla obu płci, inaczej trzeba by było to przerabiać albo malowac od zera. Dla mnie problemem bylo upozowanie, jednak dziewczynka mogłaby stać nieco bardziej delkatnie, co nie pasowało mi a przykład do sukienki (której ostatecznie nie chcieli, phi :D)


you think so?! ^_^ When I finish my current lineart base I will start working on the clothed one :> Thank you for encouragement!