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For the entirety of the past year I been constantly losing patrons.

Almost EVERY exit survey (9 out of 10) says  "My financial situation changed" some even contacted me to let me know it was related to losing their jobs or needing money for medical attention or to help someone to pay for their medical needs.

There were even a few of said patrons that said something like this "I feel bad for not being able to support you anymore", and that... kind of got me... 

Please don't, don't feel bad for it, as much as I appreciate (I really, really do) the support you give me every term, The Waifu Kitchen is ENTERTAINMENT, it's all about beautiful thicc ladies, fat tiddies, thick legs, tiny waists, wide hips and big smiles it's about happy couples and a whole lot of wholesomeness on them, it's about comedy, adult situations and as corny as it may sound is about happiness all around, and believe me, it doesn't make me happy when I read "I have to stop supporting you because I lost my job due to the CVD-19 situation, I'm so sorry I really feel bad for it" hell... no one can be happy about that but this... this part "I'm so sorry I really feel bad for it"  this is what gets me...

Some of you who have left and came back already know how I think about this matter but I'll leave it here for those who don't. 

"Your finances will ALWAYS come first, take care of yourself and the ones around you (wife/husband, children, family,) stay safe and healthy, that's always the top priority I'll be here and keep working on this project hoping your financial situation becomes stable again and if you ever come back to support me I'll be grateful"

As always thank you for your support be 1 month, 1 year or any lenght of time you choose or can support me I deeply appreciate it.