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Hello my lovely patrons!

I'm very happy to finally have a chance to come in and give my seasons wishes for you!

I've been away for a while because I've been traveling visiting family that I haven't seen in 10+ years, unfortunately for me, half my family moved to Nevada and I had to make the drive there, it was stressful and anxiety inducing because it was the second time I drove there by myself, driving at 70 mph is not something I'm use to much less driving in pitch darkness surrounded by nothing except bushes, sand and fog banks lol.

I fortunately reached my destination safely and had a wonderful time seeing my family again, there wasn't much internet there if not, I would have come in and wished you all a Merry Xmas and happy holidays 😅

I hope you all had a wonderful time in the company of friends and family too! I actually had the chance to meet up with one of you while there! It's so nice to meet my patrons in person, I had a lovely time with them too! Had a chance to catch a bite to eat and take some funny photos, I'd share them but I'm not sure if they'd want me to as they were pretty shy taking them 😅😋 so unless I get the green light, I'll share them later 😆

There's so much planned for next year! Right now since we're all busy with celebrations, we hit the pause button on Usagi and Mamo, but once the new year comes in, we'll start doing the divisions on them and I'll start to print the master soon!

There will be a full video, patreon exclusive of course lol, cuz youtube doesn't like the concept of...gasp!... sex! 😂 so I'm gonna need to upload elsewhere or host it directly from my website, I'll figure it out when the time comes.

I want to thank all you for your amazing support! I'm very lucky to have an amazing community and I'm excited to bring you more projects and exclusives next year, Usagi and Mamo are just the start!

I have Human Luna on my workbench right now and it's the next video in line for 2024! After her, we get Wanzi's Eternal Sailor Moon Attacking! YES! She's here!!! And then, I'll do what looks like a villain special cuz youtube is voting for it and winning 😂

I hope you all have an amazing New Year and may all your  resolutions come to fruition!

Much Love!




Happy Holidays!! Im glad you survived family time and driving! See you next year! 😜🤣

Tef Roqr

Merry belated Christmas and all that 😅 I'm still visiting family and it is... Well, I'm glad you survived it! Hope you've got some good times planned for new year's! I'm looking forward to all the upcoming goodness you've got in the works!