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Hello my dear patrons!

I'm here to share an "early access" to my next storytime video coming up in a few weeks.

It's probably a long overdue acknowledgement of the reason behind my weight change in the last 2 years.

I'm finally at a place where I feel comfortable sharing my story.

I also want to do it to commemorate my last surgery that has finalized this "journey" (although I never really called it that). I'm now officially done with the knife and I have a new life to look forward to!

The video will touch upon some heavy topics like childhood trauma, abuse and other heavy subjects lead by poor mental health, if you're not in the best place to read, then please skip this one along with the video.

I will consider making a video to just focus on the figure if that's something you'd like, going into details of the decisions I took and why through the painting process, I would just talk about the figure itself while keeping the storytime video as just a background for people to watch the process.

You guys have been with me since the I started this and I feel you guys deserve first dibs on the script that has been finalized after so many revisions and re-writes over the last 6 months.

The next video will be on how I paint 3D printed kits featuring Shoko Komi from Shoko Can't communicate, and a week or so after that, this one will go up. So you'll have time to watch me descent into madness with this project before the big sad comes around 😅

Link here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zv_VhDC-tUiJxVVjvK10HTZJ8nRGvLA_/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=106277989857673234677&rtpof=true&sd=true



I really enjoyed reading your story; learning how you became mentally and physically healthy. I’m on a similar road - the mental part is doing well, I have ups and downs with the physical. It is nice to see success.

Jessica Cole

I'm happy, that you feel better physically and mentally! Reading what you talked about struck many chords since I went through similar things growing up, but for me my health wasn't actually affected by my weight. At least, not negatively. I'm not unhealthy from weight. I think the whole thing about the 'obese positivity' movement is for people who are overweight by no means of their own. Like from illnesses. If that makes sense. Though I also have a different perspective than most people. TMI below, if your curious.

Jessica Cole

I have medical conditions that already had doctors saying I wouldn't live to 20 when I was just 5 years old. Growing up, my parents did whatever they could to have me enjoy life. I got overweight eating foods from all over the world, regardless of their content. I ate healthy, I ate unhealthy, if it made me happy, I got it. They didn't spoil me, but I ate things people hesitated to try. Like Scorpion, bugs, pufferfish, and 'mountain oysters'. My body was already failing at such a basic thing as protecting itself against disease, so it was more of a: Fuck it, if I'm going to die, I'll die happy. When I felt too heavy, I would do exercises I could without damaging my frail health. Though illness would usually be at me to it with a few pounds lost anyway. I don't like heavy sweets and I love vegetables (I love broccoli and brussel sprouts, I will eat them by themselves: fight me), but it's not like I can do things other people my age can. My body just isn't built like that. I have had illnesses so often I actually need weight on my body since otherwise I'd be underweight and have even worse issues. I grew up moving from place to place and I had my fair share of bullies. But I was raised to just let it roll off my back. I don't have time for that sort of thing. When I hit 15, I was 280, and I was told that there were new medicines they wanted to try. My blood pressure and sugars and carbohydrates are the healthiest part about me. My weight has never been a problem, it's all the rest of the dumpster fire. I caught COVID 7 times, each time I was hospitalized and the first two nearly killed me. Going from 260 Ibs to 140. My doctors had to have me eat more to try and get my weight back up since my body would just crash. But while my resistance to disease are very poor and my lungs are forever weak, I'm as healthy as I can be and I'm happy. It doesn't matter my size. I always found that as long as you were kind to those around you and open to experiences, that you will meet people who will love to get to know you. But these are differences in perspectives and age. I've actually beat the clock by 8 years, and while I take a lot of medication, I am happy being a little squishy. I can't have children, but I have a loving husband who helps me travel and do what I can to enjoy all around me. I've got another 20 years of life in me according to my doctors. So I do mean it when I say I am happy you can enjoy life, no matter how it came to be, I'm happy you're healthy and see yourself as the amazing person I've seen you since I started following your channel in 2020. I watched each video and it never really occurred to me to think negatively about your appearance because you are an experience I enjoy. And so I'm glad it's one that you experience happily too!