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Hello my lovely patrons!

After we read through all your feedback we went and modified/corrected some things, particularly Mamo's position to where it doesn't look like he's awkwardly putting his weight on a his barely bent left leg, we placed him where he would be slightly over Usagi so he can put most of his weight on his right leg and support with his left one, something that would be more physically possible in real life 😅 which I will not confirm nor deny that we tried doing it to test that it could happen, you know, for science....

Usagi's arm was also lowered to have her hold and pull Mamo towards her. Her head is also resting on top of Mamo's left arm as it makes it more romantic/intimate of him to hold her that way.

We are doing a little bit more tweaking, we're going to raise and bend Usagi's right leg so that it won't be flat on the bed because it did look a bit awkward, like she wasn't there in the moment if you know what I mean.

Overall, this is our new resolve and ShadowCraftArts will now move into polishing the details.

Very excited to see this moving forward fast!

We'll get you another update soon with  close-ups of details  😍



I. Muze

It looks awesome! The adjustments have definitely helped make things more natural