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Oh, now she's just rubbing salt in the wound. That probably makes it tastier, as a vampire!

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!




The more I play pf2e the more I've come to value movement speed. I'm playing a monk on thursdays with a solid 50 (30 base elf, +5 nimble elf, +5 Fleet general feat, +10 fast movement from monk, which will continue to scale up) at level 3, and an inventor on tuesdays who has 40 in full plate (20 base due to 25-5 from full plate, her Armor innovation has +5 feet on it, and her Overdrive adds another 10, *and* removes the -5 from her armor.) The idea of a full plate character being able to outrun someone on a horse is *terrifying* and I love being that horrible nightmare abomination to my enemies.


That sounds hilarious! I did the opposite last time I played a fighter--I got every movement stacking thing I possibly could *on my horse* and then went on a quest to give it the half-dragon template so it could grow wings. He was a beautiful fire-breathing rocket.

Randall Norman Pick

Even if never shows up on your character model, always pack a crossbow (or a sling, worse case).