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We’ve been threatening to do this contest for YEARS. Now that we have these badass [mystery prize redacted] to give away, it’s finally time to make it happen. Introducing the COMIC STRIP OF HEROES DIY COMIC CONTEST! 

Your job is to take any previous Handbook of Heroes comics you like. Cut ’em up. Splice ’em together. Keep ’em SFW. Then rewrite the dialogue and paste the result into a comic strip. Enter as many times as you like by posting your work to our the CONTEST SUBMISSION THREAD in the Handbook-World Discord server: https://discord.gg/5WXQXEEW 

The plan is to ask all you fabulous Quest Givers here on Patreon to choose the two grand prize winners, then those lucky so-and-sos will get the goods. Deadline to enter is Christmas, and we’ll announce the winners on New Year’s. So get out there and get to remixing!
