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They rattled around the Evil Lair as if nothing had happened. Witch got the candles down from the hall closet. Succubus diligently flavored the lube. The roster said it was supposed to be cherry this week.

A little dog bed sat in the corner, unused. Neither mortal nor demon looked at it. Neither had the heart to throw it away.

“Sure is quiet around here,” said Witch. She marked the magic circle in the lawn outside, redrawing the shapes of blasphemous runes in their usual spots.

“I know, right?” said Succubus. The good cheer in her voice was strained. “It’s so nice not to have all the barking.”

“Or the armor clanking,” said Witch.

“Or the zombies groaning.”

“Or their smell!”

Each woman affected a merry laugh. These were as empty as the rooms that had once belonged to their friends.

“Want me to help do up your hair?” said Succubus. “I know how you hate to get all gooey during.”

“Touch my hair and lose a hand,” snapped Witch. She had to say that, and to turn away. The gesture of kindness had nearly broken her. The loss of her party mates was bad enough. But if Succubus of all entities was going to be nice to her… One prehensile strand of hair dabbed at Witch’s eyes.

“Let’s get this orgy over with,” said Succubus. The demoness hadn’t even bothered to retrieve the much-patched blow-up doll from its spot in the smut chest. She hadn’t wanted to look at its face. It looked too much like Vengeance.
