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Arcane Archer is proficient with all manner of ranged weapons. He's got a hundred and one trick shots up his sleeve, and his aim is (almost) always true. Here are a few of the highlights.

Split the Wood: Dexterity vs. AC, two attacks, applying the higher attack roll to both targets. Adds protein to your drink on a critical hit.

Rapid-Titty Shot:  Dexterity vs. AC, separate attacks per target. If two or more tits are targeted, each attack roll takes a −2 penalty.

Jealous Guardian Arrow: Choose a partner adjacent to the target . Until the end of the adult encounter, if the target initiatates with that ally, you can make a ranged basic attack with a weapon against the target as an immediate interrupt. 

Sticky Stair: Choose 5 contiguous squares of a vertical surface within your weapon range that you can see. The DC for climbing these squares is reduced by twice your Dexterity modifier until the end of the encounter.

Blinding Volley:  Area Burst 1 Within 20. A creature that moves into the area before the start of your next turn takes 5 damage and must save vs. blindness.

Asses and Strike: Make a secondary attack against the target. You ignore any attack roll penalties to the secondary attack, but the attack deals nonlethal slap-dat damage.

Spray of """Arrows""": Each enemy in blast you can see takes 2[W] jism damage.

Come & Go: You can move your speed. At any point during your move, you can make two Dexterity vs. AC attacks with your ranged weapon.



Robbert Raets

*double-checks if he didn't wander into a thread on twitter of David Willis commenting on 9 Chickweed Lane by mistake*

Michael Brost

It's still a bit rude to bring someone into such an encounter without letting them roll initiative.