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Hard Woods. 119:9-1-11

  1. For the forest knows when you are in it. It can feel as you tread its soul,
  2. Feel as you run fingers through the leaves that are its hair.
  3. Take within you the breath that is its kiss.
  4. Thus it is for all shepherds of the forest to become lovers of their flocks. Who does not stir at the raptor in flight; the humble toadstool with its good magicks; the great crowns of forest monarchs bowing before  the breeze?
  5. In nature there is love of all living things. And men and elves and all manner of sapient souls are alive. Thou livest! Love therefore the forest in return.
  6. Love by any means necessary.
  7. Take up the sharp spear to drive the wicked from the land. The dull spade to uproot rot and corruption. The 16 grit condom for thy partner.
  8. For is it not written that the great trees are gifts of spirit?
  9. Fuck, a tree.
  10. Repopulate the forest.
  11. Try not to get splinters.



Robbert Raets

[casting shillelagh joke goes here]

Michael Zemancik

Man, Druid is one if not the most kinkiest girls amongst the cast. I assume she's in squirrel form cause she wants to see AA bust his nut in this girl.