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Segment Three: Elf Princess vs. Drow Priestess

Producer: Kek Tarley

Time: 6:00

  • Match continues
  • Finish — Fighter(s) vs. Wizard(s) over
  • Music
  • Reactions
  • Music Out
  • (1:30) BACKSTAGE: Start on scry mirror showing footage of Elf Princess. Pull out to reveal Drow Priestess in Kek Tarley’s office. Kek Tarley says, “DP, I know you still want your title shot against our reigning champs. You’ve got a problem though. You need a partner to take on Sex Kitten, and nobody wants to work with you. I think you know why that is.” Cut to scry mirror showing supercut of Drow Priestess’s heel moves. Drow priestess says, “That’s some of my best work. Are you trying to make me feel guilty?” Kek Tarley slams his desk, says, “I’m trying to make you think. You have a problem. And so do I. That good girl Elf Princess is a beacon of capital-O Order. If she has her way, she’s going to tear this organization apart before you get your shot at the champs. So what do you say we help one another out? Knock that princess off her throne permanently, and you’ll get your title match.” Drow Priestess says, “If we do this, we do it my way. I don’t want to hear a bell if things go a little outside of RAW.” They shake on the deal.
  • (:15) BACKSTAGE: Magus is sparring with her trainer, Bad Thad Thaumaturge. She pauses her combo, turns to camera, and says, “Non-Canon Arena, we’re coming.”
  • (:30) BUMPER: Magus and Succubus in Intercampaign Championship Match from Gen Con 1988.
  • Crash to Break
