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You guys voted for a random pairing in this year's holiday comic. To ensure that this thing is aboveboard, Claire made a video of the roll.




Michael Zemancik

Some of the other rolls would've also been interesting. Sorcerer (I think) and Lady Celestial and a definite odd couple. Priest could offer Wafroged plenty of Mending spells. Barmaid and the Vamp twins are more fitting for a HoEF comic ;) And Cleric and Cleric shows the dangers of rolling on the same randomized chart. As for our winning pair of Witch and Helscion, the first thing that pops into my mind is the Scrooge quote; "Every idiot who goes about with 'Merry Christmas' on their lips should be boiled with their own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through the heart."


Im so happy with the result, but my only complaint is that the names were sorted in alphabetical order instead of at random. That is just me being a perfectionist. This next art piece is going to be baller. I can only wonder what the scenario would be for Witch and Van Helscion.