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Today's comic was unexpectedly hand-drawn due to computer... issues. Hopefully they will be resolved quickly and things will look normal again, but in the meantime, I drew Handbook in a sketchbook for the first time in years! I used to draw the sketch mockups by hand at first before I switched to digital completely, so this was a bit of fun nostalgia.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!



Robbert Raets

"As an oracular being, I have a direct line to the divine, unlike you mortal spellcasting so-and-sos." *fax machine noises in background* "Ah, I believe I am receiving an updated version of your Paladin's Oath, just a moment..." *reads extensively* "Hmm, there is a LOT written here in regards to hair-pulling...?"

Randall Norman Pick

Actually - really want to do a throwback sometime in the blue-and-blacks of the 1980s TSR manuals would probably be funny.