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It was a puzzle of magnificent complexity. Esoteric loops and whirls ran from pillars of command, through gaps of primal Pattern, and into an inverse flow of raw life magic, all of it wrapped tight in knots that seemed ready to fly apart at the merest probe of one slim elven finger.

“Fascinating!” breathed Wizard.

“Umfh,” agreed Thief.

The mage was nearly beside herself with intellectual stimulation. She slowly set one hand upon either sign of the symbol, flat upon the stone, fingers spread wide as Skitters’s legs to catch the subtlest vibration. She was almost positive it was a Symbol. No mere glyph, rune, or sigil could thrum so, dragging the heels of its power through furrows of raw and ecstatic magic.

"There is an animalistic quality," she mused. "As if some poor beast were chained to its master's will, straining to run unfettered and unchecked by the thinnest barrier lines of Art. This is a magic that seeks release!"

"Aaaaaarah!" said Thief, her boredom apparent in the pointed yawn.

"I understand your impatience, my dear. This enigma was made for my skills rather than your own. It was wisdom indeed to cede your traditional 'point position' in favor of my expertise. Though I lack your keen reflexes, there is little doubt that a mind habituated to arcane mystery is best suited to this hazard. Had any of the party but myself encountered such carven Power, it would surely have overwhelmed their faculties before they could comprehend the peril. And yet, it might almost have been worth it! Can you imagine what such a masterful weave might accomplish? What its learned makers hoped to achieve? I can nearly believe that it is speaking to me, begging me to find out!

"Wizard, please!" breathed Thief.

"Yes, precisely like that! Thank you for the dramatization."



Robbert Raets

Just like Power Word: Onanism, this symbol is based on a reflexive pronoun from the Marid/Triton language family. In this TED Talk...

Randall Norman Pick

This may be the funniest HoEF story under the comic yet