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Van Helscion may have a reputation as a Vampire Hunter, but let us not forget that Her Ladyship is equal parts Noble Scion. When the voting paired Handbook-World’s fanciest half-orc with the periapt of perversion, we forgot exactly that. I cannot tell you how many rejected “she hooks up with a vampire” scripts we tore through before hitting upon, “Oh yeah. She’s a rich girl too.” With all those sparkly vampire gags safely in the bin, Van Helscion was free for a bit of Marie Antoinette peasant LARPing. She better be careful though… If she doesn’t get that thing off, she might find herself destitute for reals!


Source Xanathar’s Guide to Every Thong

Aura strong enchantment; CL 12th;

Slot neck; Weight —


These mind-altering gems appear as wondrous pieces of magical jewelry, usually a periapt of health. In reality, they alter the wearer’s sexual predilictions on a fundamental level.

When placed about the neck, this item’s curse immediately takes effect (Will DC 15 negates). On a failed save, the “sexual alignment” of the wearer is radically altered to be as different as possible from its former state. For example, dwarves with the Hatred racial trait might find themselves seeking out partners of the orc or goblinoid subtypes. This alteration is mental as well as sexual, and the individual changed by the magic thoroughly enjoys his new outlook. A character who succeeds on his save can continue to wear the periapt without suffering the effect of the curse, but if he takes it off and later puts it on again, another save is required.

A creature can be affected multiple times by the same periapt of perversion. Subsequent failed saves do not revert the wearer to their original state. Instead, they must roll on Table: Really Random Fetishes. All fetishes are cumulative.

Only a wish or a miracle can restore a character’s former fetishes, and the affected individual does not make any attempt to return to the former state. In fact, he views the prospect with horror and avoids it in any way possible.


  1. Frotteurism: arousal to touching strangers surreptitiously in crowds
  2. Lithophilia: arousal to stone and gravel
  3. Actirasty: arousal to the sun’s rays
  4. Xylophilia: arousal to wood
  5. Stygiophilia: arousal to the thought of hellfire and damnation
  6. Autoplushophilia: arousal to oneself dressed as a giant cartoon-like stuffed animal
  7. Climacophilia: arousal to falling down stairs
  8. Nasolingus: arousal to sucking on a person’s nose
  9. Psellismophilia: arousal to stuttering
  10. Xenophilia: arousal to one specific type of non-humanoid creature (see Table: Sexy Beasts)



Tomi Tuomisto

I thought non-humanoid could be included in zoofilia category and anything not Human as xenophilia (includes elves, Orion and Asari, etc.)


I did have an Antagonist designed like this once. She was a rather wealthy and affluent noble that would go out of her way to piss the party off. She would then revel being "put in her place".