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The secret is out! After paying a visit to the Virgin Valley alongside Buckle, Bad Cat wasted no time in spreading word of the fabulous treasures that waited there. We will just have to wait and see whether this is all proceeding according to the designs of the green dragon Bushtagruüm. At the moment, however, it looks like Fighter is pleased with her prize.


Source Tyranny of Bad Dragons

Aura moderate illusion; CL 10th;

Slot body; Weight 50 lbs.;


This armor is similar in appearance to a breastplate of vanishing, though obviously intended for a female wearer of heroic proportions. It acts as a +1 mithral breastplate, but hides a subtle glamer woven between the plates.

The breastplate is invisible to everyone except the wearer, vanishing when donned for the first time. The effect is not noticeable to the wearer, and all comments about the armor’s unconventional properties are rationalized as either genuine compliments or the product of envy. While it is possible to convince the wearer to cover their new-found splendor with more modest attire, any time the wearer engages an NPC of especial dignity or prestige (e.g. royalty, members of the clergy, or disapproving matrons) the wearer must make a DC 15 Will save or solicit compliments about their prized armor.


Breastplate of vanishing




This is probably for the wrong sex, but it reminds me of my GM’s old joke creation for a joke of a roadtrip game: the schlong ring, which when worn created a semi-real illusion that increased a male character’s length while also creating a bulge in their pants that would act as an effective +6 to charisma when interacting with those attracted to that sex. Also paladins were very disapproving of the ring as it disrupted formal situations and was seen as “lying about one’s virtues”.

Thomas Fowler

Given the prevalence of, shall we say "elaborate", codpieces in medieval times, one could claim historical accuracy for this (excepting the existence of magic).

Michael Zemancik

Hey, I recognize that background. From the comic where Druid awakened a bunch of pigeons. Probably explains the pigeon’s lustful stare here. And I see we have a horny couple back there (any excuse to draw tielfings, am I right ;)) Not sure if Red is aghast at her boy Blue staring, or if she’s just as appreciative.