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Goblins are so cute I want to draw them all the time <3

Tokens are 280x280px, optimized to be medium creatures in Roll20 (which means they work very well for smaller characters as well!)



Michael Zemancik

If you think they’re so cute why are there so few! Joking aside, i’d totally be all for some more goblin portraits. If not for people’s characters (don’t know how many goblin players there are) they could always be used to represent the BBEGs’ head minions, the monsters that the DM adds character classes to to make them unique. I mean, no player remembers the bazillion goblins they’ve killed over the years, but they’ll always remember the one with a swashbuckler’s hat and rapier (chances are they’ll try to hunt him down just to get the hat.) As for the one right here, i’m gonna assume we haven’t seen her amongst BBEG’s goblin forces not because of any sexist hiring policies, but because she creeps them out (I mean, I find her sexually creepy, but i’m an unseelie kind of guy.)