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Snowflake's face is my favorite expression in quite some time.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!




The look of panic and despair on Snowflake is amazing.


Snowflake, girl… you need to move on. This isn’t good for you. You can do better than him. I’ve brought several tubs of horse-safe oat-based non-dairy ice cream and we are going to get you over this guy and back playing the field. With Paladin playing for the other team these days you’re going to meet a LOT of new people and I just think you need to keep an open mind, okay?

Randall Norman Pick

The unkempt mane and tail, the bags under the eyes, poor Snowflake but that's really an expression that says a thousand words.


Wow Druid, that's cold. It's so easy to judge when you're getting some and others aren't.

Michael Zemancik

Now this is the Law of the Jungle — as old and true as the sky; And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it isn’t gonna get laid. I got 5 gold on Snowflake either pulling a body switch with Princess (I think Necromancer can supply the Soul Jar) or working with Demon Queen to get Princess out of the way.